Army booted out over 500 immigrant recruits in a year


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Over the course of 12 months, the U.S. Army discharged more than 500 immigrant enlistees who were recruited across the globe for their language or medical skills and promised a fast track to their service, The Associated Press has found.

The decade-old Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest Recruitment program was put in place in 2016 amid concerns that immigrant recruits were not being screened sufficiently. The Army began booting out those last year without explanation.

The AP has interviewed more than a dozen recruits from such countries as Brazil, Pakistan, Iran, China and Mongolia who said they have been devastated by their respective regions.

Until now, it has been unclear how many have been discharged and for what reason because the Army has refused to discuss specific cases. But the Army's own list, submitted to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia last month, says 502 service members who enlisted under MAVNI were discharged between July 2017 and July 2018.

The list, which was unsealed this week after a request from the AP, offers "refuses to enlist" as the reason for expelling two-thirds of the recruits. That is the reason given for 35 percent of army-wide discharges, according to a research study posted on a Defense Department website.

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