Arnold Schwarzenegger joins Linda Hamilton on the Terminator set


Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton, the iconic actors of Terminator and its sequel, found themselves on the set of the new film with photographic evidence.

Will Arnold's T-800 be friend or foe for Sarah Connor in the future? Terminator after? From the appearance of the photo, Arnold posted on Twitter and Instagram where he meets Terminator 1 and T2 Comrade Linda Hamilton, it seems worn and worn with cuts in the face (makeup, of course).

Does this mean that Arnold still helps Sarah and John Connor, or did he go back to his original programming in the first Terminator movie?

Time will tell, but it would be interesting to see Arnold in the role of villain rather than hero.

Anyway, it officially confirms that Arnold will be part of the next Terminator probably filming more than a cameo fashion. After all, Arnold would have refused a cameo in the most recent Predator film, citing that the cameo written for him was not a big enough part, according to Yahoo interview with director Shane Black.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (released July 3, 1991), one of the greatest action movies of all time (many would say number 1 on the list), was the last time Schwarzenegger and Hamilton appeared together for the sci-fi franchise . Their on-screen chemistry is one of the main reasons why originals have reached such highs, both as opposing villains and fighting for the same goal. They must complete the circle and bring back Edward Furlong as John Connor and Robert Patrick as T-1000 (create another model if an explanation is needed, given the end of T2).

Director Tim Miller (dead Pool) is the current director of Terminator 6, which will simply switch Terminator. Original Terminator and T2 director James Cameron is currently shooting Avatar 2 with Avatar 3, 4 and 5 planned for release in the future. Let's hope that someday, Cameron will have the opportunity to return to the franchise as a director, so that fans can see where he would have taken the franchise he's created from scratch. It would be difficult to always climb Terminator 2, even if it is possible.

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It's a good sign to see Schwarzenegger and Hamilton on the same Terminator put again. If they were part of the magic that brought two of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time, they can do it again!

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