Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton meet for "Terminator 6"


They always have it! Arnold Schwarzenegger proved that he and his Terminator costar Linda Hamilton are closer than ever to a picture of themselves years ago and reunited for the new franchise film.

"Happy birthday to my dear friend Linda Hamilton," writes Schwarzenegger, 71, on Twitter on Wednesday, September 26. "One of my favorite costars, a real villain and a wonderful human being. I'm pumped to be together again. "

The former governor of California shared a photo side by side of him and Hamilton. The 62 years Mandrel Alum goes to his costar in both photos, but one of them was taken years ago – probably towards the release of the first movie in 1984 – and the Another was shot more recently.

Schwarzenegger starred in four of the films like The terminator (he was absent from 2009 Terminator Salvation, fourth in the franchise), while Hamilton appeared in the first two films as heroine Sarah Connor.

Producer James Cameron announced in September 2017 that the dynamic duo would return for the sixth opus. "Even though, at the time, the stars of gender and action had such an important role to play today, the fact that this veteran carrier is back home is an important statement," he said. director. The Hollywood Reporter of Hamilton's character at the time. "There are 50-year-old guys, 60, who kill bad guys, but there is no example for women."

"We are starting a search for an 18-year-old woman who will be the new centerpiece of history," added Cameron. "We're still bending time. We always have characters of the future and the present. There will be mostly new characters, but we will have characters from Arnold and Linda to anchor it.

Terminator 6 will act as a continuation of 1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The follow-up should be published in November 2019.

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