Arnold Schwarzenegger wins a cameo in the restart of "Shahne Black"


He will not be back.

Arnold Schwarzenegger dismissed a brief appearance in the reboot of "Predator," his character from the film's original 1987 version, major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer, director Shane Black, revealed.

"There were some ideas to include [Schwarzenegger], mainly in the third act, "Black, 56, told Yahoo Movies UK.

The restart is taking place now, 31 years after Schwarzenegger's first appearance in Dutch.

"The studio wanted, I think, something a little cool, which was not based solely on Arnold's re-emergence, but they were open to having it in a smaller role," he said. pursued. "I agreed with that, but that was a problem because when you call Mr. Schwarzenegger, you do not want to say," We have this little role for you if you want it. I felt embarrassed to ask him. "

In 2016, Schwarzenegger, 71, said he planned to meet with Black to discuss the role.

Black recalled, "He said," Well, if I were more featured, yes, but what you are suggesting is that you create this new thing and that you just bless me for it . [I said]"Ahem … yes." And so I was not surprised when he said, "Look, I wish you good luck, but it's too small for me."

Schwarzenegger will not miss you too much on the big screen: he should take the previous characters of "Triplets" (the sequel of the "Twins" of 1988), an untitled reboot "Terminator" and "The Legend of Conan".

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