"Arrogant rude woman": Senator Elizabeth Warren turns John Kelly's insult into a rallying cry


The Japanese martial art of jujitsu works according to a proven philosophy: the strength of your opponent can be used as a weapon against him.

This idea has been exploited several times since the election campaign of 2016. Think "deplorable", "wicked woman" and "nonetheless, it persisted", becoming rallying cries of political opponents after their first announcement by the US. opposition.

Now another person seems ready to enter the lexicon – "rude and arrogant woman".

For example, White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly described Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) In the days following the Trump government travel ban. in 2017, according to emails obtained by BuzzFeed news under the Freedom of Information Act.

This disclosure means that the White House may have inadvertently given a powerful slogan to be used by Warren, a forward-thinking 2020 Democrat, to use as a brutal political instrument.

Warren, who was then Secretary of Homeland Security, asked for answers about the ban, after the arrest of travelers at Logan International Airport in Boston.

"The most insulting conversation I've had with anyone," wrote Kelly to Kevin Carroll, then his senior advisor to the agency, according to an email dated February 8, 2017. "Which woman arrogant and impolite. She immediately began to insult our people by accusing her of not following the court order, of insulting and abusive behavior towards those who were covered by the break, blah blah blah. "

White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, did not return a request for comment in the e-mail.

Critics of the Trump administration have already seized #impolitearrogantwomanjust like Warren herself.

Someone has pondered the sentence enough to book the impolitearrogantwoman.com domain and direct visitors to a CNN record of President Trump's obscene "Access Hollywood" tape. The website was registered Thursday night after the publication of the BuzzFeed story, according to WhoIs.Icann.org

An "arrogant rude woman" could join other insults and attacks that quickly turned into badges of honor for the other party.

Trump supporters are proudly called "deplorable" after Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton used the term to describe some of his constituents. Women in favor of Clinton adopted the "wicked woman" after Trump insulted her rival during a debate.

And last year, when Warren was reprimanded for criticizing Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), Candidate for the appointment of Attorney General, Majority Leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (R- Ky.) Presented it with the help of a resilient phrase: "Nevertheless, she persisted."

The tense talks between Kelly and Warren in 2017 stemmed from her frustrating attempt to open lines of communication with Kelly, she wrote Friday on her campaign website. The Kelly and Warren teams could not connect to this problem, she said, and Kelly only provided a general phone number for homeland security when she asked for a hotline .

Warren stated that Kelly had accused her of fabricating claims that she had tried to talk to him. "When I said that, I looked at all the emails that were exchanged between his staff and mine, so I started reading them. He again accused me of having invented everything, "she wrote.

Warren, who clearly understands the power of syntax and viral messaging, has linked the present moment to the one other political moment.

"So what happened next? You guessed it, I persisted, "she wrote. "I have again asked for his number. He hemmed and hawwed. . . Let's say it was then that the conversation really started to get embarrassing – and I persisted longer than him. "

He then gave his phone number to Warren, she said.

In the original email exchange obtained by BuzzFeed News, Kelly's counselor at the time, Carroll, also spoke about the incident in the Senate.

"Too bad, the majority leader in the Senate, McConnell, could not order him to shut up again! Warren is running for president so soon, he is trying too hard and chasing bad shots, "said Carroll.

Now, it seems that the White House may have given Warren an idea to work on.

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