Arrow reveals the future: everything we have learned up to now


Arrow is heading in a whole new direction this season.

Not only is this literally how new showrunner Beth Schwartz described the show, but it is also accurate chronologically. The show, which is in its eighth season, is known to be framed with flashbacks. Now they are venturing into FlashFowards.

At the premiere of the season, we met a man on a boat that was heading to Lian Yu in search of someone. Finally, we discovered that this man was the son of Oliver, William (Ben Lewis), now in his thirties, and the person he was looking for (or at least the person he found) was a much older and more bearded, Roy (Colton Haynes). The jump in the future shocked fans the first week, and these jumps continued week two as we learned a bit more about William and his current course.

Below you will find everything we have learned so far about the future of our Star City nightclubs.

Arrow, Flashforwards

The CW

Our first vision of the future was a man on a boat during a storm. The captain of the boat said that they should turn around, but the man suggested that he could just offer a little more money. The captain of the boat said that generally people pay so much to get away from the island. Even in 20 years, Lian Yu is still nil. (Episode 1)

Arrow, Flashforwards

The CW

Boat Man was very specifically looking for someone on the island, but he was a little trapped by being caught in a trap set by someone who looked a lot like Roy.Colton Haynes), which we have not seen since his departure with Thea (Willa Holland) last season. Roy was not thrilled with this new visitor. (Episode 1)

Arrow, Flashforwards

The CW

Nowadays, we have seen Felicity say goodbye to William before sending him to boarding school (to protect him) by handing him the hozen, symbol of the reconnection. This is the same arrowhead-shaped stone that formerly contained the coordinates of the mirakuru offer at the beginning of the series, but which later became a symbolic gift that Oliver offered to Thea, who Then gave Felicity. Felicity tells William that as long as he has the stone, she would still be able to find it. (Episode 1)

Arrow, Flashforwards

The CW

In the future, the boat man brandishes the hozen to prove to Roy that his father is Oliver Queen, which means that he is an adult, William. (Episode 1)

Arrow, Flashforwards

The CW

It's here!

Arrow, Season 7

The CW

William confirmed to Roy that Felicity and Oliver "just about" had just left him, and all we can assume is that he never saw them again after being fired for his own protection . "I survived," he told Roy. (Episode 2)

Arrow, Flashforwards

The CW

"My ex-boyfriend is wondering why I have problems with commitment," he joked as he explained what happened to his parents. Will need more information about this, please. (Episode 2)

Arrow, Flashforwards

The CW

William did not just have the hozen to prove his ancestry. "Three weeks ago", beeps were emitted and he opened it to find the GPS coordinates of the island. After telling him to give up and go home, Roy admitted that he knew exactly "what that is". (Episode 2)

Arrow, Flashforwards

The CW

Not only did William pay at least $ 200,000 for going to LIan Yu and offered to pay another $ 100, but he would also have spent more than $ 1 billion trying to develop a levitation. affordable magnetic. Is the queen's legacy? A payment of life insurance? Or is he just a genius who has been partially raised by two rich genies? Who knows?! (Episode 2)

Arrow, Flashforwards

The CW

Roy rebuked William for talking about the past after mentioning the moment when he left Star City with Thea because he was on the island to forget about it. It is safe to say that something bad (or bad) has happened in the years that followed, but what? (Episode 2)

Arrow, Flashforwards

The CW

Roy led William into a grave separate from the four graves of Japanese soldiers Oliver had discovered and told to Roy. William and Roy began digging, thinking that they were going to find a corpse, but instead found Oliver's bow and arrows. (Episode 2)

Arrow, Flashforwards

The CW

Oliver's bow contained a secret note, which Roy read, worried (look like he's worried!), Then burned. William was all "What's the hell ?!" and Roy said to go get his things because they had to go back to Star City. What will they find there? WHO will they find there? Will their trip to a real city mean that this gallery will no longer have screen shots of men in a forest? We can only hope! (Episode 2)

Stay tuned each week for more clues and questions about the fate of this show this season!

Arrow Mondays at 8 pm on the CW.

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