Arrow's Oliver and Iris Flash embrace in the new Crossover promotion and it's too weird


Whatever you do, Elseworlds, we're here for that.

The CW has released a new promotion for this year's epic superhero crossover during the Monday episode Arrowand it turns out that Stephen amell and Grant Gustin do not change just a costume. They change entire identities.

Of course, it's very strange and somewhat alarming to see Iris (Candice Patton) kiss a Barry Allen played by Stephen Amell and the baby caller, but what a comic potential we have here, just from the confused facial expressions of "Barry".

One can only imagine what world Barry-as-Oliver is currently living in. Hopefully he's not yet imprisoned in the alternate world of crossover, which will not only put Grant Gustin in the role of Green Arrow and Stephen Amell in the Flash, but also features Batwoman (Ruby Rose), Superman (Tyler Hoechlin), Lois lane (Elizabeth Tulloch) and a host of other crazy things, like Arkham Asylum's doctors and supervillains' wives. John Wesley Shipp should also resume his role as Flash of the 90s series. We therefore have no idea what is going on.

All we know is below, but for example, do not feel uncomfortable if you watch this trailer a few more times, or if you launch the device on which you are reading this just through the window after witnessing it. There will be a lot of mixed feelings in this cross, and it will be either fun or crazy. Or both! Let's hope both.

Elseworlds, the flash, the arrow


Uh !! Stephen Amell shared the poster on Twitter with the caption: "I'm calling Barry Allen and I'm the fastest man ever." What!

Ruby Rose, Batwoman

Brad Triffitt / CW

One of the first things we know about this year's crossover was the meeting of Katherine Kane, also known as Batwoman. She will appear for the first time in the cross before eventually playing in her own CW pilot, becoming one of the first lesbian superheroes on television.

In early August, it was announced that the Australian actress and Orange is the new black and The mega star Ruby Rose will take the role. Rose then had to leave Twitter after an online harassment criticizing the cast.

Arrow, Bruce Wayne

The CW

We do not know yet whether we will meet Batman himself, but we know that we will be able to go to Gotham City for the first time in the Arrowverse during the crossing.

Last season, Arrow has confirmed the existence of Batman and Gotham City in the universe by making a little cry to Bruce Wayne, so that does not seem to be a preview of

Crossover CW 2018, The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl

The CW

This year's crossover marks the first time that the event started on a Sunday (now that the CW returned to programming on Sunday), starting Sunday, December 9 with The flash. It will continue on Monday, December 10 with Arrow and ends on Tuesday, December 11 with Super Girl.

For the crossover, The flash and Super Girl will change time interval, as Supergirl will usually be aired on Sunday of this season and The flash will air on Tuesday.

Supergirl, Melissa Benoist


Tyler Hoechlin will resume his Super Girl role as Superman / Clark Kent for the crossover. He had previously appeared in four episodes of the series last year, but has not been seen since the finale of the second season when he declared that he was motivated in every fight by his love for Lois Lane, which makes him particularly special on the crossover, he will be joined by …

Superman, Lois Lane, The CW

The CW

The CW announced that the crossover will also be debuting at Arrowverse by Lois Lane, for whom the casting has just begun.

We have already met Lucy's younger sister, Lucy, played by Jenna Dewanand his father Sam, played by Glen Morshower, and we have heard a lot about the woman herself, but we have not met her yet.

"We could not be more excited about introducing Lois Arrow to the Arrowverse," he said. Super Girl EP Jessica Queller and Robert Rovner. "This hard-working, determined and courageous journalist will be a powerful Superman partner and a great addition to our universe of DC characters."

Elizabeth Tulloch, Arrowverse

Diana Ragland; DC Entertainment

The iconic role of reporter Lois Lane goes to Elizabeth "Bitsie" Tulloch, whom most fans will know of the NBC show Grimm. She will play in front of Tyler Hoechlin like Clark Kent / Superman.

CW Crossover Casting

Warner Bros

Cassandra Jean Amellwho happens to be the star's wife Arrow Stephen amell, will play Nora Fries in the cross. Nora is Mr. Freeze's wife, but no one yet knows who will play Mr. Freeze himself (if any).

Jeremy Davies

Jeff Vespa / WireImage

Jeremy Davies was chosen for Dr. John Deegan, an asylum doctor for Arkham's insane criminals in Gotham City "but he could be crazier than the inmates he deals with." It seems that it can serve as a catalyst for the crossover, since it is his "machinations" that drive Green Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl in Gotham City.

Arrow Crossover


The CW has revealed that the crossover of three shows will be themed "Elseworlds". Eleseworlds is a DC Comics imprint for stories that take place out of the cannon.

LaMonica Garrett, Arrow

DC Entertainment

LaMonica Garrett will play Mar Novu, a powerful alien known as Monitor. The Monitor was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez as part of the 50th anniversary of DC Comics.

Crossover Crossover, the CW


Superman is here, but something looks … different. Hoechlin seems to be wearing the iconic black suit that Superman has donned after being resurrected in comics. The recent Justice League film did not include the lawsuit when Superman (Henry Cavill) came back from the dead, but at least The CW covered us.

Stephen Amell and Tyler Hoechlin both posted the photo, with Hoechlin the subtitle: "Back in black, here we go again …"

Crossover Crossover, the CW


After the world went crazy with the poster, Stephen Amell began to have a lot of fun on Instagram sharing photos like this that he titled, "We're not just walking. in the Flash combination. "

It seems so …false. Elseworlds already scares us.

Crossover Crossover, CW


That will never be weird, and apparently it was a bit weird for Gustin too.

"This Arrow costume is not incredibly comfortable, but I'm rather jealous that @stephenamell is wearing my Flash suit in a photo with @johnwesleyshippjr wearing his Flash OG suit," Gustin said under this photo. "WHAT IS GOING ON!?"

One commentator summed up the situation by writing: "I do not know what's going on, it's you playing in the series"

Crossover Crossover, the CW


So many flashes and none of them is the normal flash. Does your brain hurt you as well by thinking about this crossing?

Crossover Crossover, CW


John Wesley Shipp seems to resume his role as Barry Allen in The Flash of the 1990s. Although he is not wearing the original costume, he is wearing a recreation inspired by the original costume, which Warner Bros. has sent as a reference.

"Crispy! To be handled with surgical gloves only," Shipp warned.

Crossover Crossover, CW


Amell subtitled this smiling Flash photo with "I'm really tired, but here's the crossover in a few words." This smile augurs well then, is not it?

Crossover Crossover, the CW


With little or no explanation, apart from a few exploding heads (legend of his choice for most of his crossover photos), Amell posted a photo with Colin Donnell, who played in the early seasons of Arrow like Tommy Merlyn before his tragic death. Donnell returned in last year's crossover as an alternative version of Tommy, so could he be back?

The legend of Donnell did not give much more information, but at least confirmed that there was a question to ask: "Well, that is … interesting, huh? "

Crossover Crossover, the CW


This is the picture that led us to really wonder if Ruby Rose could move her face in her mask, otherwise how could she resist the assortment of Melissa Benoist's smile?

"It's a sign of my enthusiasm for the idea that she's here and that she's breaking her ass," Benoist said in his Instagram post.

Crossover Crossover, the CW


Kara, his cousin Clark and his girlfriend Lois gathered for a family photo at the Kent family's farm, which appears to be the same Kent family farm used in Smallville, because there was not enough in this explosion of superheroes.

"Two kryptonians and a journalist enter a crossroads …" said Melissa Benoist about this soon to be iconic photo.

Superman, Supergirl


The new adventures of the new CW Laws and Clark.

The crossover begins Sunday, December 9 at 20h. on the CW.

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