Arrowverse producers explain the absence of Batman in other worlds


Arrowverse Producers Explain Absence of Batman in Other Worlds

Arrowverse Producers Explain Absence of Batman in Other Worlds

Although the CW Arrowverse dropped his name Batman On several occasions, Bruce Wayne has not yet made his appearance in the shared universe. This year Other worlds crossover seemed to be the perfect time to bring Batman into the fold. After all, the story begins with a mysterious incident at Arkham Asylum, known to house Batman's deadliest enemies. But alas, the Black Knight is confirmed as sitting. In an interview with Weekly entertainment, consultant Caroline Dries explained why.

According to Dries, the Arrowverse Batman has been using the MIA for years, which has allowed Gotham City's crime to increase. "Our approach is: what does Gotham look like after three years of Batman's absence?" Said Dries. EW. "So, if the law and the order, the protector and the hope are gone, what will happen? Some people thrive in his absence because they can now start doing their own business without supervision. Many other people are suffering and losing hope. The city itself and its infrastructure are collapsing. So it's not a happy place. Our guys are walking in a scary and scary Gotham.

Dries co-producer Marc Guggenheim said the effects of Batman's disappearance will be immediately felt. He described Gotham's anarchic landscape as "a dead city" and "practically a ghost town." The heroes of the crossover, for their part, will have their own little debate on whether the crossed hat is still real. "Oliver is like," He's not real! They invented it! It's a hoax to scare citizens. " Flash actor Grant Gustin. "Barry is stunned by that and all he wants to do in Gotham is meet Batman. It's a pretty funny scene.

In place of Batman, the batwoman of Ruby Rose will make him Arrowverse debut during the crossover to provide help to Green Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl. If all goes as planned, the character will get his own series in 2019. The potential show of Batwoman will be written and produced by Dries.

Other worlds starts on Sunday the 9th of December with an episode of The flash. What do you think of Batman's taking of Arrowverse? Give us your impressions in the comment section below!

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