Ashford students have the opportunity to chat with an astronaut | New


ASHFORD, CT (WFSB) – This was a unique opportunity for a handful of students from the Ashford School on Monday.

They had the chance to chat with a live astronaut from the International Space Station.

While the International Space Station (ISS) was floating above Ashford, 254 miles above the Earth. he has created a short window for students to get in touch with this radio amateur.

Some of the questions asked on Monday? – "Do you wear sunscreen on the International Space Station? What is the strangest thing you have ever seen in space? Which food is the most fun or the most messy to eat in the space? What inspired you to become an astronaut?

Astronaut Dr. Serena Aunon-Chancellor answered pre-written questions. She joined NASA as an air surgeon in 2006 and was launched for the ISS last June.

"A lot of my teachers I've had throughout my school, college, and college have really encouraged me to become an astronaut, as well as my family," said Aunon-Chancellor.

Ashford teachers worked for over a year to apply and organize the conversation.

"Our kids are so inspired by the space. They call themselves the "Mars Generation" because they will likely have the age that will allow them to colonize Mars and work for NASA once they have grown up. So we've done a lot of space programs in the last couple of years, "said Carly Imhoff, a science professor.

The equipment was provided by the American Radio Relay League, headquartered in Newington.

"We hope NASA hopes this will inspire them to become the engineers we need," said Joe Carcia.

The Connecticut East Radio Amateur Association helped to establish contact.

"There were several attempts to make contact but that simply did not work. But I'm glad it worked today, "said Bernard Dubb of the Eastern Connecticut Amateur Radio Association.

The space station travels about 17,000 km / h. She installs a very powerful antenna near the playground.

"It was definitely a unique experience in life. I do not think I can ever say I've talked to an astronaut again, "said Abby Robinson, who is in grade 8.

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