Asia Bibi: Pakistan Islamists to end blasphemy protests after deal with government


ISLAMABAD: Islamist hardliners incensed by the acquittal of a Christian woman for blasphemy in Pakistan said Friday they would end mass protests after reaching a deal with the government.

Pir Ijaz Qadri, spokesman for the Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan party (TLP) — which has largely led the demonstrations — announced the conclusion of three days of sit-ins that have blocked major highways and caused gridlock across swathes of the country.

The demonstrations broke out after the Supreme Court of Pakistan on Wednesday overturned a blasphemy conviction for Christian mother Asia Bibi, ending her eight year ordeal on death row but infuriating Muslim conservatives.

“The party leaders have announced to end protest sit-ins across the country. Workers have been asked to disperse peacefully,” Qadri told AFP after a press conference.

Blasphemy is a massively inflammatory charge in Muslim-majority Pakistan, where even unproven allegations of insulting Islam and its Prophet Mohammed can provoke death at the hands of vigilantes.

Mobile services in major cities across Pakistan was down throughout Friday as religious parties took to the streets.

But late Friday Religious Affairs Minister Noor-Ul-Haq Qadri and Information Minister Fayazulhasan Chohan confirmed a deal had been struck to end the mutiny.

A five-point agreement seen by AFP, signed by both parties, said the government would not object to an appeal of the verdict, which was filed earlier in the Supreme Court.

“This is a big achievement that they agreed to approach the court and end their protest,” Chohan told the Dunya TV channel.

According to the agreement, which came after a failed first round of talks, legal proceedings will follow to impose a travel ban on Bibi and stop her leaving the country.

Saif-ul-Mulook, Bibi’s lawyer, told AFP he would defend her during the appeal, adding that she had not yet been released from prison.

Earlier in the day Pakistan’s powerful military warned its patience had been thoroughly tested as hardliners called for a mutiny against its top brass and thousands joined protests.

“We are tolerating remarks against us but action can be taken according to the law and constitution,” the spokesman told state media, warning the protesters not to “force us into taking action”.

Tensions were further heightened by the announcement that unidentified attackers had assassinated a key Pakistani cleric with close ties to the Afghan Taliban.

Maulana Sami Ul-Haq was stabbed and shot by unknown killers in an attack at his home in central Punjab province in Pakistan, officials and family said.

His JUI-S party was an ally of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party headed by Prime Minister Imran Khan — who condemned the killing and ordered an investigation.

Several mainstream religious parties also held separate demonstrations in major cities following prayers, with thousands of demonstrators converging near government offices in the capital Islamabad.

Protesters chanted “hang the blasphemer” and “hang the judges” as they marched through the capital in the absence of a heavy security presence.

“The entire country is protesting because this decision was made under international pressure,” protester Abdul Rauf told AFP.

Analysts said earlier the government was hesitant to clamp down on the groups, fearing any heavy-handed move could spark a violent backlash similar to the insurrection spurred by a military crackdown on Islamabad’s Red Mosque in 2007.

“They are threatening the government, the judiciary and the army but it seems the government and military are reluctant because they fear backlash,” said analyst Fasi Zaka.

Since Wednesday’s verdict, the TLP has been holding sit-ins in cities across the country with supporters blocking major traffic thoroughfares, causing gridlock and school closures in key hubs like Lahore, Islamabad, and Karachi.

Major highways — including the motorway connecting Lahore and Islamabad — were also blocked, effectively paralysing swathes of the country.

Segments of the business community remained supportive of the protests even as it brought the country to a standstill.

“For the honour of the Prophet we would not shy away from sacrificing our lives. We don’t care if the protests affect our business we are ready for that,” said Ajmal Baloch, president of the Pakistan Traders Association — which participated in the demonstrations.

TLP, founded in 2015, blockaded the capital Islamabad for several weeks last year calling for stricter enforcement of Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy laws.

That protest forced the resignation of the federal law minister and paved the way for the group to poll more than 2.23 million votes in the July 25 general election, in what analysts called a “surprisingly” rapid rise.

The protests come after Khan issued a forceful rebuke to the TLP in a nationally televised address in the ruling’s wake, saying the government would not tolerate violent protests.

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