Asian equities mingle with trade concerns between US and China


BEIJING (AP) – Asian stock markets were mixed on Tuesday after a Chinese government report accused the Trump administration of intimidating other countries, curbing hopes for the future. a settlement in the context of the growing tariff war.

KEEPING THE SCORE: The Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.8% to 2,776.33 and the Tokyo Nikkei 225 added 0.2% to 23,908.17. The Sydney S & P-ASX 200 gained 1.2 points to 6,188.12 and the Indian Sensex gained 0.3% to 36,420.60. Hong Kong and Seoul have been closed for holidays. Benchmarks in New Zealand, Taiwan and Singapore advanced while other markets in Southeast Asia declined.

WALL STREET: Industrial companies and banks have sunk after news that China has withdrawn from possible talks proposed by Washington to end their fight against Beijing's technology policy. The Standard & Poor's 500 index lost 0.4% to 2,919.37. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 0.7% to 26,562.05. The S & P 500 and the Dow both peaked last week. General Electric lost 3.5% and 3M fell 1.3%.

FIGHT AGAINST TRADE: A Chinese sales representative said Beijing could not negotiate with Washington as the United States "held a knife" around Beijing's neck with tariff increases. The dispute arises from complaints filed by the United States. Beijing steals or compels companies to give up their technology. On Monday, China issued a report accusing Washington of "commercial harassment" against other governments. At the same time, both governments imposed new tariffs on their respective products.

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Chinese criticism suggests that Beijing "may prefer to wait for the current US administration, rather than engage in potentially futile negotiations," said Cheng Wei Liang of Mizuho Bank in a report. "It is increasingly likely that both parties will not resume negotiations for some time, at least until there is a noticeable change in political mood on both sides. . "

UNITED STATES – SOUTH KOREA: South Korean markets closed for public holiday, limiting immediate reaction to President Donald Trump and President Moon Jae – in signing a new version of the trade agreement US-south Korean. US Trump said the new deal would help reduce the US trade deficit and create new opportunities to export US automobiles, pharmaceuticals and agricultural products to South Korea.

US OIL BOOST: Oil prices surged after OPEC meeting last weekend and allies halted decision without increased production despite US President Donald Trump's call for a dip prices. Members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries met with non-members, including Russia. The committee said it sees a "healthy balance between supply and demand". The rise in prices is due to a recent drop in supply of Iran because of US sanctions.

ENERGY: US crude gained 16 cents to 72.24 dollars a barrel in e-commerce on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose $ 1.30 on Monday to close at $ 72.08. Brent crude, used to fix international oil prices, rose 20 cents to 80.73 dollars a barrel in London. It jumped from $ 2.29 the previous session to $ 80.53.

CURRENCY: The dollar gained 112.91 yen from Monday's 112.79 yen. The euro rose from 1.1749 dollar to 1.1746 dollar.

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