Asian market rout suggests another day of losses for investors


HONG KONG – Global markets were shaken Thursday by the fall in US stocks, worried about rising interest rates and rising tensions between Beijing and Washington.

Equities were particularly hard hit in Asia, where no market was spared by massive sales. In Shanghai, Tokyo, Seoul and Hong Kong, stocks fell 4% or more during a very painful morning trading session.

In Europe, the first transactions showed that the main stock indexes were about 1.5% lower.

Futures markets following the expected performance of US stocks have suggested that the sale could continue.

The stock trade began Wednesday in New York, when the Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 3.3%, its largest decline in eight months. It was the fifth day of the sale, marking a change of mood on Wall Street, which had flourished despite strong corporate earnings.

At that time, it prohibited short selling, suspended IPOs and prohibited investors with more than 5% of a security from selling it. Officials also deployed a "national team" of state-owned financial institutions to buy stocks and help strengthen the market, which fell by more than 25 percent.

In other Asian capitals, the sale seemed endless. In Tokyo, equities fell by 4%, while investors in Seoul pushed the market down by 3.6%. In Hong Kong, where many Chinese companies are listed, the market was down 3.8%. Taiwan was the most affected country, where the market plunged 6.2% in morning trading.

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