Ask the doctors: 'silent' urinary tract infections pose a real threat to the health of the elderly | Scene


Dear doctor: Our 92-year-old mother, who was still strong, was fine for a moment and then suddenly became weak and extremely disoriented. It was as if she had dementia. We expected to learn that she had suffered a stroke, but tests done at the hospital showed that she had a urinary tract infection. Why would it affect him? And why did she never show other symptoms?

Dear reader: A urinary tract infection, or urinary tract infection, often presents itself differently in the elderly than among the youngest. Typical symptoms we know – which include a burning sensation during urination; insufficient urinary flow despite a frequent need to go there; a cloudy, dark or odd urine; and pressure or pain in the abdomen – often does not show up. Instead, the first sign that an elderly person has contracted a urinary tract infection can often be what you have described – a sudden change in their well-being and behavior. These infections can lead to serious problems, such as kidney damage or even sepsis, the "silent" ITU thus represents a real threat to the health of the elderly.

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A urinary tract infection occurs when part of the urinary system, including the urethra, bladder, ureters and kidneys, becomes infected with a bacterium. The urethra is the channel through which urine flows from the bladder and body. The ureters are the channels that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Since the urethra is shorter in women than in men and is located too close to the rectum, a potential source of bacteria, urinary tract infections tend to be more common in women than in men. men.

Older adults may not often produce obvious symptoms because physical changes that signal urinary tract infection result from the immune system's fight against infection. As we get older, our immune system tends to slow down, so that an infection may be more advanced at the time of onset of symptoms.

The first symptom observed by some older people is lower back pain, which occurs when the infection has reached the kidneys. In postmenopausal women, changes in the urinary tract can make them more vulnerable to infections. In men, prostate problems can result in incomplete emptying of the bladder, making them vulnerable to infection. As for the reasons why urinary tract infections are associated with altered mental status in the elderly, the reasons are not entirely clear. One theory is that the outbreak of inflammation, which can affect the neurotransmitters that help nerve cells to communicate, interferes with the normal functioning of the brain.

A urine test may reveal the presence of certain compounds in the urine that suggest urinary tract infection. A urine culture will identify the specific bacterial cause. The good news is that UTIs respond well to antibiotics. As with all antibiotic treatments, it is essential to follow all prescribed treatment. In patients whose UTI had no symptoms, we also think it is a good idea to consider a culture of urine monitoring a few days after the end of antibiotic treatment. This will confirm that the UTI is completely cleared up.

Email your questions to [email protected], or write: Ask Physicians, c / o Media Relations, UCLA Health, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA, 90095.

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