Assam of India on the verge of "polarizing" the national record of citizens


Muslims of the state of Assam, on the border with Bangladesh, are in a state of panic before the publication of the final version of a National Register of Citizens (NRC) or of a verified registry of Indian nationals in the province prone to violence. Monday.

Tens of thousands of Assam Muslims fear that their names will be excluded from NRC's repertoire, reducing them to stateless persons or illegal aliens who would be deprived of their rights and thrown into jail

. Prateek Hajela, coordinator of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) NRC, before the Supreme Court, estimates that nearly 150,000 people are at risk of failing the Assam lineage citizenship test. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and BJP government in Assam issue assurances to calm them, but frightened minorities are preparing for the worst because of the BJP's record of 39; Assam. history of anti-Muslim pogroms.

Assam is the only state in India to conduct a citizenship verification exercise on such a massive scale. And no other state has a full-fledged border police to sniff out aliens. The Assam obsession for immigrants has no parallel across the country.

Illegal immigrants

Hindu nationalists have long campaigned that the majority of Muslims of Bengali origin in Assam are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh who must be expelled at all costs. This has resulted in periodic massacres of immigrants, but murderers are invariably error free.

After July 30, new requests to expel those who fail the NRC test in Bangladesh will inevitably cast a shadow over the bilateral relations between India and Bangladesh that are currently in excellent condition. Dhaka has always maintained that there was no migration to India.

By brandishing the NRC's exercise as "polarizing," civil rights activists say its sole purpose is to harass and intimidate Muslims by tagging them as Bangladeshi. Paradoxically, Hindu Bangladeshis are welcome – the Indian Citizenship Act is amended to give them Indian citizenship by mocking the BJP's policy on illegal immigrants

. Asom Gano Parishad (AGP), a partner of the BJP coalition in Assam, opposes the draft law amending the law on citizenship, insisting that all illegal immigrants be proved – whether they are Muslims or Hindus – be expelled.

AGP Opposes Granting of Citizenship to Hindu Immigrants to Protect Them from NRC Provisions

Reportedly, BJP Prepares to Require Excluded from NRC are immediately deported to Bangladesh. The BJP will not limit its movement to Assam. It will make it a national movement in the run-up to elections in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh and the general elections of 2019.

Such a move will be in tune with the anti-Muslim ideology of BJP . The BJP regards Bangladeshis as illegal immigrants and infiltrators who increase the population of Muslims in India to the detriment of Hindus whom the BJP claims to represent.

During the 2014 election campaign, Prime Minister Modi openly declared that Bangladeshi Muslims living illegally in India threatened the security and integrity of India.

He announced that if the BJP won, the Bangladeshi immigrants who worshiped the goddess Durga would be spared but the rest would be packed.


Last updated: Sunday, July 29, 2018 KSA 08:12 – GMT 05:12

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