Assassination in Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia accused of using hunger as a weapon in Yemen | World | New


The international community continued to call for a ceasefire in Yemen, as coalition forces temporarily halted their assaults on the Houthi-owned town of Hodeidah. The port city is Yemen's largest port. Almost 80% of all food and aid comes into the country via this port. When it is destroyed during the assault, it puts nearly 14 million people on the verge of starvation.

On November 10, coalition forces took control of Yemen's main grain facility, Red Sea Mills.

The factories hold about 51,000 tons of wheat, and the World Food Program's (WFP) deputy director in Yemen, Ali Reza Qureshi, said he hoped to see the plants grow wheat again soon.

He said: "We hope that production will resume in the next two weeks, as we receive 21,000 tonnes per month from these mills, otherwise we will have to import wheat flour."

WFP also announced last week that it would double its food assistance program in Yemen in the hope of avoiding millions of deaths.

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The NGO Action Against Hunger in the UK has accused all parties to Yemen's civil war of using hunger as a weapon and expressed gratitude for the recognition by Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt of the humanitarian crisis.

The organization's executive director, Jean-Michel Grand, said: "All parties to the conflict in Yemen have been fighting hunger, leaving the country struggling with the worst famine the world has seen in a century. .

"We welcome Jeremy Hunt's recognition of the humanitarian catastrophe facing the country and its continuation of new peace negotiations.

"Humanitarian agencies will follow closely to bring about a ceasefire on the ground and lifting restrictions on humanitarian supplies and access.

"In 2017, about 50,000 children died of malnutrition in Yemen.

"To avoid such disasters, it is essential that the international community always act swiftly in the event of a violation of international humanitarian law in times of conflict.

"This is why UN Resolution 2417 on Hunger and Conflict must become one of the priorities of the UN Security Council program in 2019."

The organization calls on the international community to take action against countries that use hunger as a "weapon" in times of war.

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During his visit to Saudi Arabia on Monday, Hunt called on all parties involved in the war to "seek peace" while the battle for Hodeidah was on the streets, forcing the city's largest hospital, the Hectidah, to fight for their lives. al-Thawra hospital, to evacuate a large part of its medical staff. and patients.

"The human cost of the war in Yemen is incalculable: with millions of displaced people, famine and diseases raging and years of bloodshed, the only solution now is a political decision to put the weapons of side and seek peace. "

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian made similar comments earlier this week.

He said, "It's a dirty war.

"The international community has to say that's enough.

"That's what the United States says, we say, and the British too."

At present, bombing has stopped in Hodeidah, with the Houthis retaining control of the city, but according to a spokesman for the coalition, the battle was still ongoing.

Colonel Turki al-Malki said: "The operation is still ongoing.

"It is not true that there is a cease-fire in Hodeida."

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