Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir: The idea of ​​a grand coalition in Jammu and Kashmir aroused a stir of BJP: Mehbooba Mufti


NEW DELHI: The very idea of ​​a grand coalition in Jammu and Kashmir has given nervous trouble to the BJP, said former chief minister and leader of the PDP, Mehbooba Mufti, on Wednesday night. after the dissolution of the state assembly by the governor.

The former chief minister and leader of the National Conference, Omar Abdullah, said that the decision of Governor Satyapal Malik to dissolve the assembly "can not be a coincidence" because it came a few minutes after Mehbooba Mufti claimed the government.

Mehbooba tweeted: "In my twenty-six-year political career, I thought I had seen it all! But as we never say, never say never! Nevertheless, I would like to express my deep gratitude to @OmarAbdullah and @ Ambikasoni4i for helping we realize what seems impossible. "

In a series of tweets, she said for the past five months, regardless of their political affiliation, "we share the view that the state assembly must be dissolved immediately to avoid horse haggling and defections ".

"Oddly enough, our pleas have fallen on deaf ears, but who would have thought that the very idea of ​​a grand coalition would give such concern," she said. declared.

She also stated in a clearer vein that "In the present era of technology, it is very strange that the fax machine at Governor HE's residence did not receive our fax but promptly issued a fax. concerning the dissolution of the assembly. "

Abdullah said his party has been calling for the dissolution of the assembly for five months.

"JKNC has been calling for the dissolution of the assembly for the past five months, which may not be a coincidence if a few minutes after Mehbooba Mufti Sahiba's letter has been claimed, the order will demand the dissolution sudden assembly. " state assembly.

The opposition leader to Rajya Sabha and the former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Ghulam Nabi Azad, said the talks for the formation of a people's government were at their expense. but that the BJP government at the Center was so worried that it had dissolved the state assembly.

"It's clear that the BJP's policy is either us or nobody," Azad told PTI.

Former BJP leader and former Union Minister Yashwant Sinha said the dissolution of the assembly was the latest example of the BJP not allowing anyone to form the government, even though it meant circumventing the Constitution.

The governor of Jammu and Kashmir, on Wednesday night, dissolved the state assembly, which was pending soon after rival alliances claimed to form the government.

The governor's power was blocked in the state on June 19 for a period of six months after the fall of the PDP-BJP coalition government after the withdrawal of support from the saffron party. The state assembly was also suspended so that political parties could explore the possibility of forming a new government.

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