Assembly of the Soyuz-FG launcher suspended as part of the MS-10 Mission


All work with the Soyuz-FG launcher prepared for the launch of the MS-10 Progress cargo spacecraft has been suspended, as they could have the same flaws as the Soyuz-FG that failed on Thursday, which could help the Air Force. investigation of the incident, said Saturday in Sputnik a source of the space industry.

"The Soyuz-FG rocket designed for the launch of Progress MS-10 has already been assembled into a stack [the first and second stages of the rocket] in Baikonur [cosmodrome]… A considerable number of controls have already been carried out. All the work with the rocket was suspended and not because the launches were banned – after all, it is not forbidden to make preparations – but because they may have the same flaws as the rocket that hurts worked and that this could help the investigation, "said the source.

The MS-10 Progress cargo ship is still in preparation for launch on the International Space Station (ISS) in November, after the failure of the Soyuz MS-10 takeoff. However, the stowage of cargo has been suspended, a source in the space industry told Sputnik on Saturday.

"RSC Enegiya's experts are preparing the cargo for the launch of the ISS, but they have stopped loading them onto the spacecraft because it is obvious that they will have to tidy everything up again: some equipment will only be not needed at the station will no longer be delivered and some things will have to be delivered urgently to the station, "said the source.

According to the source, suspended launches of Soyuz-FG boosters do not affect preparations for launching the satellite, as it takes two months to prepare a cargo ship for the flight and only two weeks to prepare a launcher.

"They will continue to prepare the spaceship and if the launch ban has not been lifted yet [the spacecraft] must be filled with fuel, it will be put in storage mode and they will wait for the permission for the launch, "added the source.

Trucks loaded with debris from the Soyuz-FG launcher left the Kazakh city of Zhezqazghan and are expected to arrive overnight at the Baikonur Cosmodrome to be later sent to Samara, according to a source from the Sputnik rocket and space industry. the Saturday.

"The recovered fragments of the launcher, which might interest the members of the emergency commission and the investigation, were placed on flat-bottomed trucks and the convoy with the wreckage of the rocket was already left Zhezqazghan for Baikonur.In the middle of the night, the convoy should arrive at the cosmodrome, "said the source.

It is expected that a cargo plane will arrive from Samara to Baikonur on Sunday. The fragments of the rocket will then be loaded into the plane and transported to Samara for examination.

The launch of the MS-10 Progress cargo ship to the International Space Station (ISS) was scheduled to take place on 31 October. However, the launch was postponed until November, after the failure of the Soyuz MS-10 takeoff used on Thursday. same reminder.

An accident occurred during the takeoff of a Soyuz-FG launcher carrying the Soyuz MS-10 spacecraft with on board two new members of the International Space Station (ISS) crew – the Russian cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin and NASA astronaut Nick Hague.

Source: Sputnik News

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The crew of the Soyuz rocket survives the emergency landing after an engine problem

Moscow (AFP) Oct 11, 2018

The crew of a Soyuz rocket made a successful emergency landing on Thursday after an engine problem during the takeoff of the International Space Station, a major setback for the Russian space industry.

US astronaut Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Aleksey Ovchinin were rescued without injury in Kazakhstan.

"The emergency rescue system worked, the ship was able to land in Kazakhstan … the crew is alive," said the Russian space agency Roscosmos in a tweet.

The pair are in c … read more

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