Asteroid 'Oumuamua: Did Nasa hide interstellar object's alien origins?


The arrival of a strange cigar-shaped asteroid shocked the world because it is the first object to visit our solar system after traveling through interstellar space.

Now a controversial academic has begged the world to 'join the dots' after it has been claimed that this is an alien civilization.

Andrew Potter published an astonishing series of tweets which appeared to link the arrival of the 'really weird interstellar object that is looking forward to some sort of galactic sentry buoy' with the malfunction of several Nasa spaceships.

Observers were split on whether 'Oumuamua resembled a cigar, gold spliff stick

Last year, Potter resigned from McGill University in Montreal, a controversial article published in Maclean's which describes Quebec as an almost pathologically alienated and low-trust society.

In his thread, Potter mentioned several events after the sighting of 'Oumuamua in 2017.

'Out of nowhere, Donald Trump starts talking about how we need to build a Space Force, pronto,' he wrote.

Potter goes on to talk about how the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory also shut down in October, while NASA's alien-hunting telescope hand, Kepler, was switched off in the same month after its oil reserves ran dry.

He also suggested the loss of the Opportunity Mars Rover was somehow linked to 'Oumuamua and went on to question why the FBI closed down the SunSpot Observatory in September – it was reported that they were probing allegations used to 'send and receive child pornography'.

'And of course, the emergency evacuation and 10-day shutdown of the Sunspot Solar Observatory in September was' nothing to panic 'about,' he added.

'Right. The police tape was merely a precautionary measure.

Novelist Gareth L Powell also commented earlier this year, writing: 'If I was really conspiracy-minded, I'd say the recent closedown by the FBI of the solar observatory in New Mexico was due to the fact they observed Oumuamua changing course on its way out of the solar system. '

Though scientists have come out to reject suggestions that '' '' '' '' Oumuamua was an alien probe, this has not stopped wild speculation about its origins.

Oumuamua, which is considered a new class of space object, sped past Earth and looped around at 196,000mph. The strangly shaped object is a half mile long and is so unusual that Nasa said it was 'never seen a natural object with such extreme proportions in the solar system before'.

This Nasa graphic shows the distinctive tumbling motion of 'Oumuamua

The object mysteriously sped-up as it is zoomed through the solar system, yet scientists are split on whether or not this is a result of a reaction called 'outgassing' in which gas is released as being caused by 'solar radiation' .

In an academic paper, Shmuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb from the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics suggest the elongated asteroid might have an 'artificial origin'. '

'Oumuamua may be a fully operational probe intended to earth by an alien civilization,' they wrote.

The researchers suggest that it could be a 'light sail' craft which is blown through space by starlight.

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