Astronaut Scott Kelly apologizes after quoting Winston Churchill


Scott Kelly, a retired US astronaut who counts many flights in space, apologized Sunday after quoting Winston Churchill and described the twentieth century British prime minister as "one of the most greatest leaders of modern times ".

"I did not mean to offend Churchill, I apologize, I'm going to go and find out more about his atrocities, his racist views that I do not support, my goal was to form one nation, we're all Americans." transcend partisan politics, "wrote Kelly on Twitter in the evening.

Eight hours before, in a tweet this was not removed on the release date, Kelly quoted Churchill as deploring the current situation.

"One of the greatest leaders of modern times," said Sir Winston Churchill, "in victory, magnanimity." I guess these days are over, "Kelly tweeted.

Some Twitter users responded when Kelly apologized, saying that he had overreacted to what appeared to be a wave of online trolls.

Although Churchill, who died in 1965, is often considered a successful warlord who contributed to the victory of the United Kingdom and its allies against Nazi Germany and the Axis, he is also criticized for his attitudes about race and colonialism.

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