Astronauts Send Their Views on Hurricane Florence's "Nightmare" – Spaceflight Now


A member of the crew of the International Space Station took this picture of Hurricane Florence in the Atlantic Ocean on the morning of September 12. Credit: NASA

The astronauts captured views of hurricane Florence raging in the Atlantic Ocean and heading for a likely landing in the Carolinas on the east coast of the United States.

The wide-angle views of the space station, orbiting about 400 kilometers above the Earth, show the hurricane moving on a runway to the northwest northwest.

European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst shared a series of images on Twitter, commenting on the sight of the hurricane and describing it as "freezing".

In another tweet, Gerst showed another overhead view of Hurricane Florence on Thursday, eye looming several hundred kilometers from the shore as the outer cloud bands approached the coast. North Carolina. He urged local residents to consider evacuation orders.

Astronaut Alexander Gerst tweeted this image of Hurricane Florence approaching the east coast, with the North Carolina coast visible at the bottom of the image. Credit: Alexander Gerst / ESA / NASA

As of 20:00 EDT Wednesday (0000 GMT Thursday), the National Hurricane Center said the maximum winds sustained by Hurricane Florence were 115 mph, a category 3 storm. Inside the hurricane weakened slightly on Wednesday, the storm gained momentum, with hurricane force winds extending up to 70 miles (110 miles) from the eye, (315 kilometers) starting at 8 pm EDT updated Wednesday.

At that time, Hurricane Florence was located about 540 kilometers southeast of Wilmington, North Carolina.

Hurricane Florence's position and forecast trajectory at 8 pm EDT Wednesday (0000 GMT Thursday). Credit: National Hurricane Center

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