Astronomers: Earth approaches a "ray of death"


Researchers are afraid of the unknown nature of the enormous amounts of energy that have spilled over the planet.

Астрономы: К Земле приближается «луч смерти»

Astronomers from Princeton University, observing the processes in space, have discovered that the Earth is getting closer to a "ray of death" consisting of electromagnetic and gravitational waves, from Radio waves, gamma rays and X-rays, united in a single beam.

According to scientists, when we approach a planet, a similar amount of energy can result in the destruction of all life.

Although the nature of a "ray of death" and the exact threat is unclear, it will be known later when the beam of energy will be closer to the milky way. The researchers will then be able to determine their origin and the probability that it will "attack" the Earth.

Астрономы: К Земле приближается «луч смерти»

Last time, there was a lot of evidence that it will soon be the end of all life on planet Earth. Such predictions excite humanity for most of the story, but so far, none has become reality.

At present, very popular is the prediction that the mysterious planet Nibiru will reach Earth on September 19th. However, conspiracy theorists argued that this was exactly what would happen on August 16th. even if the Apocalypse occurs, no one knows when and what to do.

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