Astronomers find the nearest super-Earth that could "support extraterrestrial civilization"


Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" Astronomers have spotted a super-Earth (like our planet) , but larger) in orbit around a star close enough to be seen with the naked eye – and say extraterrestrial civilization. "data-reactid =" 22 "> Astronomers have spotted a super-Earth (like our planet, but larger) orbiting a star close enough to be seen with the naked eye – and say it could to support a star. extraterrestrial civilization.

Star Trek fans are on the moon, while the planet revolves around 40 Eridani A – the star host of Spock's home planet, Vulcan.

<p class = "canvas-atom-text-canvas Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Because the star is like our sun, it is described as a "Ideal" for aliens. "data-reactid =" 24 "> As the star looks so much like our sun, it is described as a "Ideal" for aliens.

Jian Ge from the University of Florida said, "The new planet is a 'super-Earth' orbiting around the HD 26965 star, just 16 light-years away from the Earth, making it the super-Earth's closer to another star.

"The planet is about twice the size of the Earth and revolves around its star with a 42-day period just inside the optimal habitable zone of the star."


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Matthew Muterspaugh of Tennessee State University (TSU) said, "The orange HD 26965 is slightly colder and slightly less massive than our Sun. It is approximately the same age as our Sun and has a magnetic cycle of 10.1. almost identical years. the 11.6 year sunspot cycle of the sun.

"Therefore, the HD 26965 can be an ideal host star for an advanced civilization."

Gregory Henry of TSU said, "Star Trek fans may know the star HD 26965 by its alternate nickname, 40 Eridani A." Vulcan was connected to 40 Eridani A in Star Trek 2 publications by James Blish (Bantam 1968) Jeff Maynard's "Star Trek Maps" (Bantam, 1980), "Vulcan is the home planet of science specialist, Mr. Spock, in the original science fiction series" Star Trek ".

"Spock served on the Enterprise ship, whose mission was to search for strange worlds, a mission shared by Dharma Planet Survey."

In a letter published in "Sky and Telescope" in July 1991, Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek, confirmed the identification of 40 Eridani A as the host host of Vulcan.

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