Astros wins 11-3, eliminates the Indians, moves to ALCS


The Cleveland Indians have come home for a match 3 to win Monday against the Houston Astros. Things did not go as planned, however, and rather than forcing a match 4, the Astros, who won 57 road games in 2018, crushed Cleveland 11 to 2 and moved on to ALCS .

If you do not watch it unfold, it may be hard to believe that Cleveland wins the match in the seventh inning. That is, until Houston scores three points, then six more points, then another point to mark the point in the ninth.

The defending champions, Astros, will have to wait at least Tuesday night to find out if they will face the Red Sox or the Yankees in the ALCS. If this series lasts five games, Houston will wait Thursday night to find out.

Cleveland's last elimination win was the sixth game of the 1997 World Series. They are now 0-9 in those games since.

We live on the blog all the game, step by step, and you can catch all of this below.

Astros vs. Indians ALDS Match 3 Live Score

Hello, it's Marc Normandin, here for your needs of live blogs. Do you want to read the said blog live from the beginning? Scroll to the "1st inning" marker and go back up!

9th round: Wow, it's already the ninth round? Ha ha ha, it's just a joke, this game has taken forever and there is still a lot to do.

Adam Cimber is now on the mound for Cleveland, and he will try to prevent the Astros from scoring, which the staff has managed to do only once in the last four innings. Once again, Tony Kemp leaves for Houston.

Remember, the Astros did not beat in the previous two rounds. If he had hit twice in seventh and eighth, then yes, they would have done it. Alas, they simply sent nine men to the plate twice.

Kemp walks, Springer flies off, then Kemp gets in second place on a slack. Nobody covered the first goal, so Cimber's pick-up was easy. Altuve is right, but Kemp advances to second place. Two more, Bregman gets up again. OPS ALDS of Bregman is 2067.

Bregman is single and rides in Kemp. He is now second and top scorer with a Gurriel single. It's still Marwin's time. At least the loaded databases are not loaded this time, Cleveland.

Fortunately, Gonzalez records a win, so we can move on to the last three rounds of Cleveland and his season. Except a massive back effort here, I mean.

Good start by Cleveland here! Encarnacion walks and Donaldon chooses two athletes. It was quickly erased, however, as Greg Allen pinched for Yandy Diaz and engaged in a double game. Encarnacion is at the third base, but Cleveland is at their last outing.

Encarnacion scores to take the score to 11-3 thanks to a wild pitch. He scored only because he was automatically advanced, however: Encarnacion held his place at the third goal, so as not to be thrown to the plate – he knew his race mattered little.

This round will be the last Cleveland brand in 2018: Melky Cabrera wants to end the game and the series, and the Astros have qualified for the ALCS.

8th round: Cody Allen stays in the game for the Indians, as does Melky Cabrera, who touched the final run. Tony Kemp is leading the eighth after the seventh – the seventh, as you can imagine, did not go well for Cleveland. Kemp hits this time, though.

Welp, George Springer hits his second game of the game, third in the series and 10th in his playoff career. Stop throwing it out in October, everyone. 5-2, Astros.

Altuve doubles, followed by an intentional march of Bregman. Gurriel is now standing with two riders on … scratch who, in scoring position after a wild pitch. Gurriel is now intentionally on foot to charge the bases, and Cleveland replaces Allen on the mound by Brad Hand.

He will face Marwin Gonzalez, whose performance with the bases loaded there is a round could very well have decided the ALDS. Gonzalez adds another RBI here with a single in the center, and she is 6-2, Astros. Evan Gattis now strikes for Reddick with his left hand on the mound.

Gattis and his very long beard will hit Correa, still unsuccessfully in the ALDS. He walked twice today, so it's not like he did absolutely nothing last week. However, he has a chance to do a lot more and put that game aside now.

Another wild throw gives the Astros a 7-2 lead. Correa hit what would have been ball four, but instead, it earned him his first shot in the playoffs: a three-point homerun. The Astros are up 10-2.

Remember there is a round when Cleveland won 2-1? S. Marty Maldonado strikes to end the inning, but a pity, a shame. 10-2, Astros, heading down the eighth. Cleveland still has six outs to catch up on a lot of ground.

Lance McCullers is currently in the match for Houston, following McHugh's high-quality emergency exit. He asks Kipnis to go to Jake Marisnick, who is in the outfield now that he is 10-2. Lindor and Brantley follow with singles, and that's something, but maybe they'll have to fight this round just to get a chance to come back.

Of course, to beat, that would mean that Kipnis, the first batter of the round, would come back to the plate for his second appearance of the frame, as the tenth batter he contained. Let's not take a step ahead of ourselves.

Jose Ramirez is ready and … he starts a double game that ends the round. It's still 10-2, and Cleveland has only three wins.

7th round: The Astros are not really running out of time in the series or anything considering their lead at 2-0, but they must also score a few points quickly if they want to close the ALDS today. They still have nine outs in the third game and Trevor Bauer on the mound.

Tony Kemp hits a single right on the first pitch, which evokes George Springer, who played in the last time. Bauer tries to take Kemp, but he misses by far and Encarnacion can not fight: the ball bounces in the stands and Kemp is awarded the second goal. The tied race is in scoring for Houston with no outs.

Springer matters a lot – it's a dangerous place for Bauer, who has to pitch a good pitch here to a hitter who can charge him, and without outs. Springer barely makes contact, mostly by accident, but it worked for Houston: there are now runners at the corners for Altuve, with no outs, and the starting race is at first base.

Altuve strikes an attacker who causes a force to the second and scores the tying goal, but the first pass goes right into Encarnacion's glove and legs. Altuve is therefore safe at first. It's 2-2, and the Astros just had to give up one for that to happen when it should have been two. To make matters worse for Cleveland, here is Alex Bregman.

lol, welp. Bauer makes a comeback from Bregman, but his throw removes Lindor from the ball in second position, which means Altuve is safe. The shot in the first row is late. Bregman is too. Two on, just one, and here is Gurriel.

Gurriel has 2-2 and Bauer has 31 shots. As Dennis Eckersley points out, velocity is there, but Bauer seems to be struggling to achieve his goals. To emphasize this point, Bauer accompanies Gurriel to charge the bases of Marwin Gonzalez.

The Cleveland office is empty, which is a reminder that Andrew Miller is no longer the guy he was. After a lecture on the mound, Miller gets up in the office – the fact that it does not inspire confidence in him, but that much is said about the state of Cleveland left his pen for 2018.

Bauer throws three consecutive balls, Gonzalez, and on the 3-1 pitch, Gonzalez raises a high and outside shot to go to the field on the left, scoring two points. This pitch was four ball, easy, and Gonzalez somehow got his stick where he needed it, and the bullet went where no one was. 4-2, Astros, and there are always two runners in the scoring position and just one who goes out.

Andrew Miller is here and he's calling Josh Reddick. Two outs, and the bag was removed from the equation of this round. Miller then went to 3-1 on Correa, and the third ball seemed to have touched Correa. The lack of reaction after being touched on the knee suggests that he has not been touched, and that strange physics problems have just occurred.

Correa pulls the pace and Miller is already 13 shots after two batters – for a guy who is pitching as he is still tired this year, it's probably not a good sign considering his seventh inning. Oh, and the basics are still loaded, and here's Tyler White pinching for McCann.

Terry Francona recognizes that there is nothing to keep Miller in the game and pulls him for Cody Allen. Allen also did not have a year like he usually does: a 4.70 MPM, his worst K / BB since his rookie season, and a worse career in the licensed (11) and home (1) , 5 for nine).

It's not exactly what you want with the basics loaded in a winning or winning match while it's already on the ground, but again: where does it turn Cleveland? They left Bauer as long as possible for a reason.

Allen hits White, however, ending the threat: Cleveland lost 4-2 after seven minutes, but he still has nine outs to fill the gap.

Yandy Diaz leads against McHugh and scores McHugh's third goal. Melky Cabrera is now about to hit hard for Guyer – he is currently 1-in-6 in the series. It's useless, he says, and then Gomes ends seventh.

6th round: That's good Bauer on the mound for Cleveland in the sixth. Gonzalez sends a ball to the right field, and Guyer slips / catches the ball to prevent the Astros from getting to the base. Game clumsy, but it happened there, and it matters no matter how attractive.

Reddick drops one in the middle of the field in front of Kipnis, putting the score tied first with a draw. Carlos Correa will try to do something with that. He has not yet achieved success in the ALDS program. He always looks for his first too, as he moves on to the second. Brian McCann does not inspire much to get the most out of this round, as he quickly passes 0-2 and does not look great.

McCann ends up scratching and Bauer is able to maintain the lead he has been awarded. 2-1, Cleveland, always.

Collin McHugh comes into play with Keuchel's relief and immediately brings out Ramirez. He goes on with Encarnacion, which evokes Josh Donaldson. Donaldson is 0-on-9 with a walk in the ALDS, and he has not chosen this ride until today.

Donaldson's 0-on-10 now after a punch and McHugh keeps the score 2-1 after six.

5th round: Clevinger has traveled 77 out of four pitches, and will start the fifth in the Kemp, Springer and Altuve games. He walked Kemp the last time, and now counts it, the fifth of the day at Clevinger. Kemp flies, but it is hard not to notice the number of steps that he makes climbing.

Or this ball that George Springer has just devastated: he hits his second playoff circuit on the 82nd Clevinger throw of the afternoon, and it's a 1-1 match.

The Cleveland pen is double barrel right now, with Trevor Bauer and … someone else whose identity I did not recognize before the camera went away, sorry. But Francona does not intend to let Clevinger approach 100 locations if he can help at first sight.

Clevinger hits Altuve – number eight of the day – for the second round, so he did not fail. Still, with the Cleveland attack, each thrower must be perfectly up to stay in the game and Clevinger, with 90 shots after a 2-0 draw against Alex Bregman, may not be there.

It's now 3-2, the sixth of the day at Clevinger, and it's 94 shots after a foul. This may be the last right-handed hitter, regardless of the outcome, given the speed at which the pen works. This is the fourth ball, so Bregman is on the base for the third time today. Clevenger had eight strikeouts and only one run, but he also had all the points and three goals in 4-2 / ​​3: it was not an easy match.

Clevinger stays in the game to deal with Gurriel, so apparently Cleveland is willing to take the risk. Or, they want Bauer to be there and they know he may need a little more time to warm up as he is normally a starter.

Bauer is the only one left in the pen, so my guess is probably correct. And the risk of Cleveland is profitable! Gurriel tackles the 99th inning of Clevinger's third game, and you have to imagine it's the end for him. He certainly worked before that end, however. 1-1 as we move down the fifth.

Keuchel took a much more efficient route to reach the same destination: he just launched his 71st throw of the game to record the first goal from the bottom of the fifth and, like Clevinger, allowed only one pass.

Kipnis and Lindor have yet to mount this frame. Keuchel eliminated Kipnis – Keuchel's second out of the match – but Lindor immediately erased any sense of lightness from hitting a solo circuit. It's now 2-1, Cleveland. Brantley scores to end the inning, but the damage is done.

Hey, do you remember when Lindor dropped a bag earlier instead of facing Keuchel with a runner in goal position?

4th round: The Astros will bring Reddick, Correa and McCann to the plate of this round. Let's see if they begin to understand Clevinger or if the threat of the last run is just a flash.

Reddick takes the plane to start the heat and Correa follows another, which is a good start for Clevinger's protection. He resumed his seventh afternoon withdrawal on McCann to finish at the top of the table, and the Astros lost 1-2-3.

Encarnacion goes down and Donaldson walks after. Diaz can not move him, however, while he shows up at Altuve. Brandon Guyer is once again with a runner. He hits, but, Cleveland is still 1-0 after four.

3rd round: Good news, sports fans!

The Astros resume their second walk of the afternoon to open the third thanks to Tony Kemp. They are now coming back to Springer and are at the top of the rankings.

Clevinger spins Springer on a slider that tricked him. It may be a strange thing to say with his figures that are so similar, but 2018 Clevinger seems much more dominant and under control than 2017. Perhaps it is more than his performance gives the impression of results this time. Anyway, here's Jose Altuve.

Altuve singles following an error during a resumption attempt, so he is now first and third for Houston with Bregman at the plate. That's about the situation Cleveland wanted the least: men at the base of Bregman.

Speaking of things that Cleveland does not want to happen:

It's disappointing that Cleveland is wearing Wahoo hats today. It is also disappointing that, if I want to continue playing against their season, I must encourage the team that will put domestic mugger Roberto Osuna on the mound to close the file.

Bregman was hit by a pitch to charge the bases, but not everything is lost to Clevinger yet. He hits Gurriel, who calls Gonzalez to try to save something from this threat.

Clevinger pulls it! Gonzalez passes the ball to the left, but it's a safe shot, and we're at the bottom of the third, still aimless.

Yan Gomes chooses to qualify for the third part, which brings us to Jason Kipnis, who has not yet achieved success in the series. He has also been eliminated five times out of six batting, so you know, it's probably time for him to change that. Anytime now, Jason.

And he took my advice! A single on the right places a runner in a score position without outs, and here's how Francisco Lindor can do something. Lindor drops a sacrificial bag even if one of the riders was already in the scoring position and is one of the best hitters of the match. Sure!

Here's Michael Brantley, with one less in the sleeve than Cleveland before. He has a ball in the bag to center, so the Indians are on the board, 1-0. This situation will be much better if Jose Ramirez can drive to Kipnis from third place here.

Ramirez strikes on the warning track, but is back, so Cleveland will have to settle for a round at the moment. Play for one point and that's what you'll get: 1-0, Cleveland.

2nd round: All I can think of looking at Mike Clevinger is sometimes the character of Breckin Myer's No idea. Ole Travis Birkenstock starter looking.

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Clevinger is missing a lot of bats, but he wants to let you know that's the case today: he still has two strikeouts this season, against Marwin Gonzalez and Josh Reddick. Carlos Correa walked, however, so the Astros are still alive in the second and Brian McCann is up.

Clevinger asks his teammate to tidy up McCann, and the Astros have been held aimless for two. All games in the series started with big shots: which team will crack first today?

Here is Keuchel against Edwin Encarnacion to start the bottom of the second. He flew and Josh Donaldson followed with a motive. Yandy Diaz follows with a double hard hit by a hole in the infield, so Cleveland has his first shot and a runner in goal position. Brandon Guyer is the one who has the opportunity to make sure Cleveland hits first in Game 3.

Guyer apologizes – take the habit of seeing this today – and the threat is over. He is still 0-0 after two complete Cleveland.

1st round: Cleveland may well have another defeat against ALDS, at least if this series continues as it happens. They will send Mike Clevinger to the mound to face Dallas Keuchel, as we are now living in a world where former Cy Young winner Keuchel is the third star of the Astros.

Granted, he was no longer the pitcher he had been – he had 108 ERA + last season, and his battles dropped below seven out of nine – but still. Houston is 2-0 and should not win today behind Keuchel, but may well, while Cleveland has no choice but to win behind Clevinger. Which, by the way, is pretty good at throwing it, these 27 year olds have a total of 146 ERA + over the past two years and 321 innings, most coming as starters.

Clevinger made a good start, eliminating George Springer for the kickoff of the third game and then Yuli Gurriel to finish first. Of course, Alex Bregman found himself to second base, but it seems that little is stopping for the moment.

By the way, Keuchel did not perform as well as usual, as mentioned above, but he looks more like old Keuchel from Dallas during the second half of his season. He had an ERA of 4.45 on June 10, but he managed a mark of 3.23 in 20 starts. The strikes were still not there, however, if Cleveland can make a good contact, it will have opportunities to leverage

Of course, Keuchel's touch tends to be ground-ball type, and he easily passes the first goal through these. 0-0 after one.

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