At first, Hong Kong banned the separatist political party


The Hong Kong authorities on Monday took an unprecedented step against separatist voices by banning a political party that advocates the independence of the territory of southern China for reasons of national security.

John Lee, Secretary of Homeland Security, announced that the Hong Kong National Party would be banned from operation starting Monday.

Lee's announcement did not provide more details. But the Hong Kong security office had already indicated in a letter to the leader of the national party, Andy Chan, 27, that the party should be dissolved "in the interest of national security or security. public order, or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. "Chan has no immediate comment.

The letter cited a law on national security that has not been invoked since 1997. The ban should raise new questions about Beijing's growing influence in the former British colony, which had been promised a half-yearly Autonomy under the 1997 transfer. Chinese President Xi Jinping and other officials warned that separatist activity would not be tolerated.

The perception that Beijing is renouncing its promise of semi-autonomy and the erosion of free elections and freedom of expression in Hong Kong is helping to fuel a rising generation of young activists demanding greater autonomy and even greater autonomy. total independence.

Huge pro-democracy demonstrations erupted in 2014 in response to the Chinese Communist Party's decision to retain the right to effectively screen Hong Kong leadership candidates.

Chan, the leader of the National Party, told The Associated Press in July that the police had contacted him with documents detailing his speeches and activities since the party's formation in 2016.

The party was founded in response to frustration over Beijing's handling of Hong Kong. Despite a promise of autonomy, activists complain about the growing influence of the mainland on their democratic elections.

Chan and other candidates for independence were disqualified from the 2016 elections in the Hong Kong legislature after refusing to sign a pledge that Hong Kong was an inalienable part of China. The Hong Kong National Party has never held a seat on the council.

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