At least 15 men near Ground Zero after September 11 have breast cancer, according to a law firm


As the Nation Remembers Lives Lost During September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack, some work to educate first responders and others Diseases related to 9/11.

"We are only beginning to understand and observe the long-term effects of this work and the magnitude of the sacrifices of all our first responders," said Christopher Wray, director of the FBI at 9/11 Memorial & Museum in New York. York. City last week

This is happening at the same time that a New York law firm claims to have about 15 men suffering from breast cancer and suspected of being linked to Ground Zero toxins.

Jeff Flynn is one of those clients. He worked for a data storage company near the World Trade Center site and helped many financial companies get back on their feet. A decade later, he was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer.

"I thought it was a cyst or a gland and I ignored it for a moment," he told CBS News. "And it was the wrong thing to do because it was spreading to my lymph nodes."

Flynn doctors excised 35 lymph nodes during the surgery. Thirty-four of them were cancerous. "The diagnosis was rather bleak at the time," he said, but after receiving treatment and relapse, he is currently free of cancer.

John Mormando worked as a raw material broker in the World Trade Center area until 2007. He was preparing to compete in an Iron Man race when he noticed a mass on his chest.

He did tests shortly thereafter and learned that he had breast cancer.

"I was totally lonely," said Mormando. "We unfortunately know that breast cancer is a popular disease, but for men, it's very rare, and I've had it in both breasts, believe it or not."

Breast cancer is indeed very rare in humans. According to the American Cancer Society, men are at risk of developing breast cancer over 833 during their lifetime, compared to about one in eight women's risk. It is 100 times less common in white men than in white women and 70 times less common in black men than in black women.

Several studies have drawn attention to the health risks associated with 9/11 exposures.

A study published in The Lancet in 2011 found that 19 p. 100 firefighters from New York City exposed to the World Trade Center site of more likely to develop cancer in the seven years following the attacks, their colleagues not exposed and 10% more likely to develop cancer than a similar sample of the general population.

Another study published earlier this year in JAMA Oncology found that people exposed on the World Trade Center site, including firefighters and recovery workers, will experience a greater cancer burden than a population population. similar.

"This underscores the importance of cancer prevention efforts and routine screening among salvage and recovery workers exposed to the WTC," write the authors.

However, the potential link with cancer is not without debate.

In an editorial of JAMA Oncology also published this year, Dr. Otis Brawley, Medical and Scientific Officer of the American Cancer Society, drew attention to concerns about relatively small specimens and the fact that than other firefighters with many diseases, including cancer.

But Flynn and Mormando's lawyer, Michael Barash, argues that the link is undeniable.

"They had never seen jet fuel – for 99 days they were preparing all the phones, the computers, the concrete dust.They measured the pH of the concrete dust.It was the same as Drano. "said Barash.

Mormando described what it was like to work in the area at that time.

"The smell was horrible but we were told that the air quality was ok," he said. "The politicians said to go back to work, you're fine, they called us heroes and we all ate and we said we were making a good return to work."

The former director of the Environmental Protection Agency, Christine Todd Whitman, later admitted that she was wrong to call Ground air zero quality safe after 9/11.

The World Trade Center Health Program, set up by Congress, addresses a specific list of physical and mental health problems caused by exposure to the September 11th terrorist attacks. The program covers 68 cancers, including breast cancer.

Flynn and Mormando want to raise their awareness breast cancer in humans.

"We want to get the message out to other men because it's very rare and men tend to ignore it and not see a doctor," Flynn said.

Mormando recommends that men talk to their doctor about the risk of breast cancer. "When you do your annual physical exam, most men are scheduled to take exams like the prostate exam. Just do a breast exam, especially if you're in the 9/11 area because you're at a higher risk. ," he said.

Flynn works with support groups to provide resources and advice to other men who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

"I swore that if I survived this disease, I would help other men," he said. "Once you are diagnosed, it's very lonely.There's not a lot of [resources] for men. Someone helped me and I believe that people I have tried to mentor appreciate the support. "

For more information on the World Trade Center Health Program and the Victims Compensation Fund, visit

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