At Missouri Rally, Trump promises to eliminate "persistent stench" at Justice Department


The president spoke at length about how his candidacy and his electoral victory in 2016 defied the predictions, inviting his enthusiastic audience to relive the night of the elections with him. He imitated the new anchors calling the states in his favor, and described his election as "one of the biggest nights in the history of our country, but much less important, one of the biggest nights in the history of television.

The dynamic reflected Trump's strategy in his Republican campaigns this year, hoping to transfer his own popularity among Central Party supporters to candidates who need a highly motivated constituency for voters. succeed. But that also entails risks. The president's popularity here has decreased since 2016, with a recent NBC News / Marist poll showing his 50% negative score. And Republicans concede that its unique brand of popularity may not be transmissible to others on the ballot.

"If he was on the ballot, there would be no doubt that we would both win," said Rep. Billy Long, Republican of Missouri, while he was warming up the # Arena before Mr. Trump's appearance. "Without that, we need your support."

Mr. Trump acknowledged the challenge and historical trend against the presidential party at Congress in the midterm elections by saying, "I know the votes are sort of against us, but I do not know why. We have the largest economy in history.

In congratulating Mr. Hawley as a star, Mr. Trump criticized Ms. McCaskill as a slave to Democratic leaders who opposed her program in every respect, accusing the young woman of wanting to provide health benefits and of education to the undocumented.

"Democrats even want to give free welfare and health care to illegal aliens, all of whom are paid by you, the big US taxpayer," Trump said, misrepresenting their position. "Republicans want to protect the safety net for really poor Americans, not for illegal aliens."

He was apparently referring to his administration's proposal, which had been on the table for months, to punish immigrants for accepting food stamps, social housing and other public benefits to which they are entitled, but with a false interpretation: the rule would apply to those who are undocumented.

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