At NFL fall meetings, owners pass on the anthem revision policy


For all intents and purposes, the NFL's short-lived policy regarding the conduct of national anthems is dead.

That's what the league's owners and commissioner, Roger Goodell, pointed out at the closing of the NFL's annual meetings in New York on Wednesday when all the power actors passed along the principle of punishment for the forms of social protest of the players. The league anthem's driving policy had been suspended by team owners last July and had not been brought to the table since, despite the handful of players continuing to protest social and racial inequalities the pre-match ceremony. But after the NFL broadcast partners stopped showing the anthem on television and the political rhetoric around the issue died out, the league decided to re-examine the forms of punishment in what was portrayed as a meeting where any changes (if any) could be made.

With the rebound of television audiences and fan enthusiasm, the owners decided to take their own knee rather than fighting a positive momentum. And that included even Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys, who was previously one of the leading owners to bring President Donald Trump's political water on the issue.

"I think for the moment, we are moving as we enter the season," Jones told reporters about the anthem's rule of conduct, passed in May and put on hold by homeowners in July. "… One of the owners [at the New York meetings] stood up and said, "We are really in a positive place and, no, we do not have [in a positive place before] – But we took advantage of it. "And I agree on relationships and rankings, and I'm so impressed by the social programs in which the clubs and players are engaged."

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones praised NFL member Roger Goodell. (AP)

<h2 class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Roger Goodell addresses the issue "data-reactid =" 40 ">Roger Goodell addresses the issue

The NFL and the players' union have been continuing the dialogue on the rule since the league froze any form of franchising sanction in July. While both parties maintained an open line of communication and did not expect a change of tone at meetings in New York, the union was fully aware that the owners could divert attention from progress made by both parties. Especially during the executive session of the league, when the owners often speak freely and lobby for action on issues that they feel are ignored. It was this session when Jones or other supporters of the knee players' punishment could once again have ignited the collective anguish felt by the billionaire fraternity for most of the past two years.

No movement of this kind has materialized this week. And when Goodell was in a hurry for an update of the national anthem policy negotiations with the union, he diverted the attention from the rule and turned to the point. social activism that the league has tried to do with the Coalition Players.

"The goal of the NFLPA and the NFL, the clubs and our players has been to focus on the players' efforts on the issues that they have raised and on the way we can improve their communities, "said Goodell. "They are incredibly passionate about it. They have raised awareness of these issues and are working in their communities to try to improve them. They work on issues such as criminal justice reform.

"I participated in" Listen and Learn "tours with players, owners at Listen and Learn. The players are also in the field and we can see the great work they do. Over the last two days we have reported on the tremendous work that has been done in this area. More importantly, we talked about the impact of our clubs and players on these issues. That's what we're currently focusing on, as it should be. "

This is Goodell's way of saying, "We are satisfied with our engagement with players in the face of the social issues they have raised and we are not about to plunge back into this mess of politics and public relations."

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This week should rather indicate that some team owners have recognized some of the mistakes they made in the face of Trump's pressure and rhetoric. Once the ratings corner has been opened and other owners have joined the fray to support the players' voices – like the new boss of the Carolina Panthers, David Tepper, who recently signed the security checklist socially declared Eric Reid – a change seems to be operating. A group of seemingly buried (and sometimes angry) landowners were silent, as if to withdraw and let the dust settle.

Once this was finally done, and that the owners could see that the league could very well get along with the remaining players who kept on expressing themselves, the urge to go ahead. listening to Trump is also blurred. The president still occasionally visits the issue during some of his political style-gathering speeches, but they are fewer in number and spaced out. In turn, the NFL's power brokers felt much less compelled to engage what has almost become a hindrance to white noise.

Does this mean that the NFL will not change position? No, the league was blind to Trump and did not handle it well. It is not possible to know if there is something else around the corner that could still upset the property. But at least one thing seems clear: the same people who shout about the same old reproaches will not ruffle a lot of feathers this season. Not so much in favor of the NFL.

As Goodell said in closing remarks this week, it's a good time to be an NFL fan. And it's a belief that does not have time to do politics.

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