At SNL Cold Opening, Republican Senators Celebrate Supreme Court Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh


The Senate voted Saturday afternoon to confirm Brett M. Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Judge by the narrowest margin for over a century. Later that day, Republican lawmakers celebrated with violence, at least "Saturday Night Live".

"We could say that people really wanted Kavanaugh," said Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Senate Majority Leader Beck Bennett, to CNN star Dana Bash, starring Heidi Gardner. "Everyone is pumped, from white men over 60 to white men over 70 years old."

"It's like that" appeared in the background when Bash turned to other conservative members of the Senate, such as Cecily Strong senator Susan Collins (R-Maine). After Senator Lindsey Graham (RC) of Kate McKinnon praised Senator Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) For having "scored in his own goal," Collins announced his own decision to vote for Kavanaugh.

"The last thing I wanted was to talk about myself. That's why I told everyone to agree at 3pm. to be able to say to all my sympathizers: "Psych!" "she said, referring to Collins' long live speech delivered in the Senate on Friday, which caused the crash of a website created to fund his future opponent, likely due to the fact. an influx of support. " Listen, I think it's important to believe women until the moment of arrest.

The fictional celebration, during which Gardner's Bash observed that many pacemakers were "put to the test," continued with Senator Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) Pete Davidson, considered a swing vote alongside Collins, Manchin and Senator Lisa Murkowski. (R-Alaska), the last of which voted against Kavanaugh.

"Obviously, I was really sad about the whole process," said Flake before Graham smashed him a face pie and exclaimed, "Seriously, this one is about the fans. They have been there all week encouraging us and screaming outside our offices. . . . I know they agree with us because they shout "Me too".

After All Bryant's attorney, Rachel Mitchell, briefly stated that she hoped to make the women proud, the network went from Republican senators jubilant to "the losing team," represented by the Minority Leader in the Senate of Alex Moffat, Charles E. Schumer (DN.Y.). .)

"The Dems have lost another one," he said. "We thought this time would be better than the hearing of Anita Hill because Dr. Ford was white, but it turned out that Brett Kavanaugh was white too."

The opposition came to an end when Republicans sprayed Miller High Life, the "champagne of beers," and Graham called Kavanaugh "fierce light of the judges," adding that he hoped we, as a country, "let's keep this horny man the energy goes up to the mid-point! "

Read more:

Matt Damon plays the fiery Brett Kavanaugh at the premiere of the SNL movie

Kanye West congratulated Trump in a sinuous speech on SNL. It was not broadcast.

The first season of the SNL was also obsessed by Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande

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