At the Ohio Rally, Trump delivers a mix of exaggerations and vague assertions


In front of an American flag held in the air by two Caterpillar backhoes at the Warren County Fairgrounds, he returned to the kind of program that is now an integral part of these gatherings. By channeling his own popularity among the party's main supporters, he hopes to help candidates needing this type of base to succeed in the mid-term elections.

He entertained the crowd with a list of his accomplishments: Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court; the release of an American pastor, Andrew Brunson, from a Turkish prison; and recently renegotiated trade agreements.

"We are now the hottest country in the world," proclaimed Trump.

He assured participants that, if Republicans maintained control of Congress, other successes would follow: the creation of a sixth military branch, space force; additional jobs; and the completion of a border wall. (The wall has not been fully funded yet.)

Blessings were given – by Mr. Trump and some state candidates – to the country, to the people of Florida and Georgia affected by Hurricane Michael and to Kanye West. ("What he did yesterday," said Mr. Trump in reference to Mr. West's oval office visit, "was really amazing.")

Vitriol was sent to the media as Trump spoke of his victory as president and complained of unfair coverage. Judges Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas, both law enforcement officials, were also admired, but they were also confronted with a bitter confirmation process after being accused of harassment. sexual.

He fired on some of his favorite Democratic opponents: Senators Richard Blumenthal and Cory Booker; Hillary Clinton, her rival in the 2016 presidential election; and Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, who shot "Lock Her Up" songs from the crowd as Mr. Trump criticized her for what he saw as a crucial role in Justice Kavanaugh's deadly battle.

"It's not the rule of law, it's the rule of the crowd," said Trump, again citing opposition to justice to urge his supporters to ensure that Democrats do not control any two bedrooms.

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