At the top of the Trump Supreme Court list: A judge in Chicago


President Donald Trump has promised to appoint his second candidate to the US Supreme Court on Monday.

And it could be that his choice – a person who could help shape the law for generations to come – on the 27th floor of the Chicago Federal Courthouse.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett has risen to the top of the list of conservative favorites for the high court after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced her retirement last month. And she is one of the four potential judges already interviewed by Trump.

However, by choosing the sole forensic for the late Judge Antonin Scalia, Trump could also trigger what is sure to be a litigious battle for the future of the court

Barrett, 46, spent most of her career as a law professor at Notre Dame Law School in Indiana, the home state of Vice President Mike Pence. She graduated from Rhodes College in 1994 and Notre Dame Law School in 1997. She worked for a week on Bush v. Gore doing research and information for a firm representing George W. Bush

. with Trump. He chose it for the 7th Circuit Appeals Court of the United States. The Senate confirmed it in October, and since then, it has only written a handful of opinions – the most notable regarding the death of a hockey player whose family continued the National Hockey League.

Confirmation hearing on his appointment to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. CSPAN

However, if confirmed in the mid-forties, she could remain in the field for decades. And although she survived the confirmation less than a year ago, in the midst of controversy, she even drew the votes of some Democratic senators.

Among Barrett's critics is the Progressive Alliance for Justice, which described it as a "nominee." have rarely seen: a person who believes and has stated that judges can and should put their personal beliefs before the law and the Constitution in the performance of their duties. "

But at his confirmation hearing, the judges should law, Barrett said," It is never appropriate for a judge to enforce the personal convictions of that judge, "he said. they derive from faith or from elsewhere, on the law. "

In the most memorable moment of his confirmation, Senator Dianne Feinstein D-California told Barrett, a Catholic, that" dogma lives in Inside you. "

A 2013 Notre Dame University publication cited Barrett's belief that" life begins at the concept. "The same article also quotes Barrett saying that he is "very unlikely" that the court ever reverses Roe v. Wade's basic protection of abortion rights.

In an article in Texas Law Review 2013, Barrett wrote on "superprecendent", – Marbury c Madison and Brown v. Board of Education, but not Roe v. Wade

In a footnote, she explained that scholars s "Do not put Roe on the list of superproducts because the public controversy over Roe has never diminished."

An article from Marquette's Law Review of 1998 Barrett co-authored that "Catholic judges (s & # 39; 39; they are faithful to the teaching of their church) The article says that the mere identification of a judge as Catholic is not sufficient for the recusal.

Feinstein was heavily criticized for his commentary on "dogma" by people who took senato. When the Senate finally voted to confirm Barrett on Oct. 31, three Democratic senators voted in favor of it: Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Tim Kaine of Virginia and Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

Contribution: AP

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