A United Launch Atlas 5 rocket is about to launch the US Army 's fourth high – frequency evolved communications satellite from Cape Canaveral. This timeline shows the main mission events scheduled on a flight of three and a half hours to an optimized geostationary transfer orbit.
The 60 meter (197 feet) high rocket, powered by a main engine of the RD-180 and five powerful thrusters, is expected to take off Wednesday in a two-hour launch window Wednesday at 12:15 pm (New York time). ).
The AEHF 4 mission will be the 79th flight of an Atlas 5 rocket and the fifth launch of Atlas 5 in 2018.
Built by Lockheed Martin, the AEHF 4 satellite joins the three previous satellites of the AEHF constellation launched by Atlas 5 in 2010, 2012 and 2013. With four AEHF satellites in orbit, the new generation of secure and enhanced voice communications from the Air Force , and the data relay satellite will provide global coverage.
Below you will find an overview of the launch sequence of the Atlas 5 / AEHF 4 and a ground trajectory map showing the trajectory of the rocket after take-off.
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