Australia kills four sharks after tourist attacks


Fourth Great Shark was killed in Australia after a woman and a 12 year old girl were attacked in a tourist area of ​​the Great Barrier Reef.

The two men were still in the hospital Sunday after being maimed in separate incidents just one day last week on the Whitsunday Islands.

A spokesman for Fisheries Queensland said Sunday that drum lines, which use baited hooks to catch predators, have captured four tiger sharks, one 3.7 meters long and the others between two and three meters each.

"Although sharks of this size are potentially very dangerous to humans, it is not certain that they are responsible for injuries caused to two swimmers," he said.

The last shark to catch "was humanely euthanized and will be transported to sea for disposal".

The spokesman said it was clear "that there are a significant number of active sharks in local waters and that people are advised not to swim".

The rules were to remain in place next week.

Shark attacks are very rare in the Whitsundays – a collection of spectacular tropical islands in the heart of the coral reef – according to the national television channel ABC.

The attacks rekindled the debate on how best to reduce the risk of encounters between sharks and the increasing number of people using the ocean for their recreation.

Many environmental advocates and scientists in the sea object to killing sharks and insist that drum ropes are a blunt instrument because they often catch other creatures.

New South Wales, the nation's most populous state, has been testing non-lethal measures such as aerial drones to track shark movements and "smart" drum lines that alert the authorities of their presence.

Shark attacks are rare, but still cause fear among users of the ocean

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