Australia Strike: A woman arrested in Queensland


A notice near the strawberries of supermarkets advises buyers to cut them before eating.

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The fear of strawberries has spread throughout Australia, where supermarkets have quickly reaped the benefits of the market.

A woman was arrested in Queensland as a result of the "strawberry panic" in which sewing needles were found hidden in fruits.

Police said the 50-year-old man was arrested on Sunday "following a complex investigation … and a thorough investigation".

The woman is expected to face unspecified charges Sunday night.

A national survey was opened after shocked buyers reported the contamination in September.

There have been more than 100 reported cases of needle discovery in strawberries, although many were suspected of being copies or stunts on social media.

Farmers were forced to unload tons of berries and supermarkets took advantage of the sale.

The first cases appeared in Queensland, where a man was taken to the hospital with stomach pains after eating strawberries.

The fear spread to all Australian states and later to New Zealand, sparking the public alarm.

In response, the Australian government raised the maximum prison sentence for fruit handling from 10 to 15 years.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has promised to "throw the book" to any manager, stating, "It's not funny to endanger the livelihoods of hard-working Australians and you scare the children. And you are a coward and a larva. "

In Queensland, where the strawberry industry is worth $ 160 million a year, the local government has pledged $ 1 million to help farmers in distress in the state. A $ 100,000 reward was offered for information to arrest and convict the guilty.

The arrested woman, who has not been appointed, is due to appear in a Brisbane court on Monday.

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