Australia's Other Great (and Threatened) Coral Reefs


MELBOURNE, Australia – The United Nations issued a warning on Monday, saying that the world's coral reefs could die as soon as 2040 as a result of climate change.

Already, warming waters have been bleached more than two thirds of the coral in the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef ecosystem, which covers more than 130,000 square miles and is visible from space.

But the Great Barrier Reef, in spite of its iconic status, is not only unique or threatened marine ecosystem in Australia.

Here are some others to keep in mind:

The Gulf of Carpentaria, in Australia's Far North, is a remote and sensitive ecosystem of mangroves, coral, sea grass beds, mud crabs, fish and shrimp. The mangrove trees – which grow in salty water – provide a nursery habitat for fish and wildlife and help prevent shoreline erosion.

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