Author Ntozake Shange of Celebrity "For Colorful Girls" is dead


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By Associated press

Playwright, poet and author Ntozake Shange, whose most acclaimed play is "For the Colored Girls Who Thought of Suicide / When the Rainbow is Enuf", was nominated in 1975 to Tony Awards. She was 70 years old.

Shange's "For Colored Girls" describes the racism, sexism, violence and rape suffered by seven black women. He has influenced generations of progressive thinkers, from architect #MeToo Tarana Burke to playwright Lynn Nottage, Pulitzer Prize winner. After learning of Shange's death, Nottage called him "our poet / playwright warrior".

Savannah Shange, professor of anthropology at the University of California at Santa Cruz, said Saturday that her mother had died in an assisted living center in Bowie, Maryland. She had suffered a series of strokes in 2004.

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