Authorities arrest a man for allegedly threatening the death of Ajit Pai's children


Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais (AP)

Authorities on Friday arrested a California man who allegedly sent several death threats to Ajit Pai, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission appointed by Donald Trump after the death of neutrality.

According to a press release from the Department of Justice, the individual in question is Markara Man, a 33-year-old Norwalk resident, who sent at least three emails to Pai to threaten the president and his family in December 2017 after the FCC voted to abolish the regulation:

The first email accused President Pai of being responsible for a child who allegedly committed suicide because of the death penalty. repeal of net neutrality regulations. The second email mentioned three locations in or around Arlington and was threatening to kill members of the president's family. The third e-mail had no message in his body, but included an image depicting President Pai and, in the foreground and slightly fuzzy, a framed picture of President Pai and his family. The FBI traced the emails to Man's residence in Norwalk, California and, when he was confronted in May 2018, Man confessed to the FBI that he had sent an email threatening President Pai's family because that he was "irritated" with the repeal of regulations on net neutrality. wanted to "scare" President Pai.

According to a copy of the affidavit posted on the Web site of Washington Post the first email contained an image appearing to represent a newspaper article stating that two children had committed suicide as a result of net neutrality, as well as a photo of Pai eating popcorn. It read as follows:

Up to now, two children have committed suicide [the Official Action]

Since you voted the breakage of equality …

* It haunts you * * [19659008] * Slowly raises the arm and points directly

The second email, titled "Cheers", included the names of three preschools in or near Arlington, Virginia, and read: "I will find your children and I will do it, kill them. "

The FBI wrote in the affidavit that they were able to trace the e-mail address used to send the threats, [email protected], to an IP address associated with Man's house. They also wrote that the man admitted that he had sent the emails when approached by law enforcement, and said that he had chosen this handle to appear "harder" . "

"They practically ignored, as, 80 percent of the comments" forces of order. "They ignored us and did not care."

This seems to be a direct reference to the way Pai and his fellow Republican commissioners have ignored the extremely negative public comments about net neutrality. After the FCC's public comment system was crushed by comments on net neutrality in 2017, agency officials have spread lies to support dubious claims that downtime were the result of a cyberattack

. a handwritten apology letter reading in part: "I am sorry to have made a threat to your children.

He was convicted of threatening to murder the family of an acting US agent with the intention of intimidating or avenging him. For them to have fulfilled their duties, the DOJ wrote that the man was facing a maximum penalty. 10 years in prison.

Pai repeatedly claimed that Net neutrality activists had targeted him and his family for harassment, the Post wrote, including a number of threats from death. The FCC hearing where Pai and his fellow Republican commissioners repealed the net neutrality rules was briefly interrupted by a bomb hoax. In January, Pai dropped an appearance at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show, with sources that spoke to Recode citing death threats as the reason.

[DOJ via the Verge]

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