Avenatti promises Kavanaugh's new accuser to manifest in next 48 hours


Avenatti, the lawyer also representing adult movie star Stormy Daniels, who sued President Donald Trump, said on "Cuomo Prime Time" that he has multiple clients and "at least one" is ready to to manifest publicly in the next 48 hours.

"At this point, Chris is the customers, we will make a public disclosure in the next 48 hours of detailed allegations, as well as the identity of at least one of my clients regarding what she saw and experienced. concerning Brett Kavanaugh. " and Mark Judge, and finally we'll let the American public decide who's telling the truth, "said Avenatti to CNN's Chris Cuomo.

Avenatti had already hinted at the representation of an additional accuser who would show up soon. In an interview with Fox News on Monday, Kavanaugh vehemently denied Avenatti's allegations on Twitter.

"It's totally wrong and outrageous," he said. "I have never done anything like that, I knew such a thing.When I was in high school and attending a Catholic high school where I concentrated on studying and athletics, I went to school. church every Sunday at Little Flower, and work on my service projects and friendships. "

Despite Republicans' efforts to keep Kavanaugh's confirmation on track, the process continues to be a real slogan following accusations of sexual assault and inappropriate sexual behavior on the part of two women who are are manifested.

In the first alleged case, the accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, stated that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her while both were at a party during their high school years. She said that the judge was in the room when the alleged assault occurred. The judge denied the allegation.

The second alleged incident occurred while Kavanaugh and this accuser, Deborah Ramirez, were attending Yale. Ramirez claimed that Kavanaugh was exposed to her at a college party.

Kavanaugh repeatedly denied the allegations. He also continues to be supported by President Donald Trump, who tweeted Monday night supporting his choice for the Supreme Court and called the charges "false."

"Democrats are working hard to destroy a great man, and a man who has the potential to be one of our greatest judges in the Supreme Court, with a series of false accusations that have never been seen before!" Trump tweeted.

Avenatti did not share any details about potential claims that his client might have against Kavanaugh, except by describing it as "both" a witness and a victim.

"With regard to the woman whose name will be publicly disclosed – this is a woman who has received several security clearances from the federal government for several years, including a public security clearance and a secret security clearance," Said Avenatti.

He continued: "So, that this is a warning to Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh and other substitutes, including those of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I will warn you, be very very careful if you launch a smear campaign against my client, will eventually be shown to be a fraud ".

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