Avengers 4: Details leaks suggest a November trailer, a title and the score of the theme


Marvel fans are anxiously awaiting Avengers 4. Although the film is in a few months, rumor has it that the film trailer will be landing by the end of November.

The same thing was confirmed by Critics Choice reporter Erick Weber, quoting Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige as saying that the trailer would fall "before the end of the year". This is credible because Avengers: Infinity War The first trailer was also released in late November of last year.

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The recently disclosed details also give the title and overview of the background score. A report in MCU Cosmic states that the title of the upcoming Avengers movie is "Avengers: Annihilation". Apparently, the background music of the trailer is a new remixed variant of Dust and light title entitled Never again. Composed by Twelve Titans Music, Dust and light was used in the trailer of The Hobbit movies.

Speaking of the trailer, recently, a description of the trailer is making rounds on the Internet. A Reddit user has detailed a detailed description of the Avengers 4 trailer and titled the film "Avengers: Annihilation" (identical to the one reported by MCU cosmic). According to the article, the trailer will show the meeting of Captain America and Iron Man. He elaborates sequences of the Battle of New York, travel in time and the quantum realm.

Giving a glimpse of the post-apocalyptic city of New York, this article tells the story of Tony Stark and Ant-Man, gray-haired. "We see Captain Marvel floating with fists on fire and his eyes lighting up." Thanos in the Soulstone with the young Gamora screaming against him, Loki and Thor fighting Chitauri together, and Tony handing over to Steve a new shield in Wakandan's throne room. "(Tony and Scott return.) Tony opens the orange briefcase while Scott hands him an illuminated bracelet Tony asks," How? … Is it possible? "The last blow before the revelation of the title is an Infinity stone disappearing from the damaged glove of Thanos," reads the message.

Although it's a fan-made trailer, it sounds absolutely in tune with what you'd expect from Russo Brothers.

As nothing is confirmed at this point, fans will have to wait for Marvel to start teasing the trailer and other details.

Avengers 4 will be released on screens next May, concluding the Avengers universe in MCU.

| Edited by: Vaishali Jain

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