Avengers 4 Has Added A 13 Reasons Why Star


Just like Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers 4 is going to have a stacked cast. That said, the majority of the faces will be Infinity WarCaptain Marvel, Happy Hogan and Hope van Dyne are also confirmed to appear. As far as new characters go, word has come in that 13 Reasons Why star Katherine Langford has been added to the proceedings.

This casting update comes courtesy of Katherine Langford's Avengers 4 character are being kept secret. Marvel has been about the movie (the same way it handled Avengers: Infinity War for a long time), this is hardly surprising.

Katherine Langford is best known for her Golden Globe-nominated performance as Hannah Baker on the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, which aired its second season back in May. Although it will be back for Season 3, Langford has hopped to a new Netflix gig, next year's Arthurian-like drama series Cursed. The actress also appeared in Love, Simon earlier this year.

Katherine Langford is actually only the second actor who has not previously appeared in the Marvel. Avengers 4. In September 2017, The Wolverine's Hiroyuki Sanada was the first new actor to be revealed, though like Langford, we have no idea who he's playing.

With seven months to go until Avengers 4's release, it's possible that Marvel Studios might reveal who Katherine Langford is playing right before the public sees the movie. Then again, Peter Dinklage was cast in Avengers: Infinity War in January 2017, and we did not learn that he was playing Eitri, the king of the dwarves on Nidavellir, until the movie was screening. Regardless, with such a large cast, it's hard to say if Langford's character will be an important player or if her role is minor.

For years we had no idea what to expect from Avengers 4, but when Thanos snapped up his Infinity Stones-powered fingers and wiped out half of all life in the universe at the end of Avengers: Infinity War, that set the stage for what will be the final Phase 3 movie. Officially, Marvel has been careful not to Avengers 4 story details, but there's plenty of unofficial chatter and speculation Infinity War to the survival of the wind in the Quantum Realm.

Avengers 4 opens in theaters on May 3, 2019, so stay tuned to CinemaBlend for continuing coverage. In the meantime, check out our Marvel movies guide to learn what else is in the works for the superhero franchise.

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