Avengers 4 Image Tease incites absurdity


Thanos Avengers Infinite War

Captain Marvel is almost there – yes, in his first movie first, but also to save everyone's butt later (half of everyone, anyway), in The Avengers 4. We are all on the lookout for all indications on what War of infinityThe second half (you can not go wrong with this change of title) will involve, and no one knows it better than the creative team behind the film. So, of course, they tease us with tips designed to turn us all into conspiracy theorists.

We have already seen still photos – since the official shooting of the film well before War of infinity even hit in the theaters – who provided a lot of material to speculate on the events of The Avengers 4, as well as promotional art, but today the Russo Brothers have dropped an official photo that does not seem to give much:

This is a black and white shot of an empty set, showing mostly what appears to be a green screen. The only person in the photo seems to be Joe Russo, looking at a laptop screen. (I think?) Unless zooming in on this screen only reveals a script page that says, "And then Captain Marvel strikes so loudly Thanos that he somehow spits out all our sprinkled friends," he says. There is nothing to learn here.

But the tweet encourages us to "look tough …" and let's be honest, Marvel fans on the internet, Easter egg hunters experts now, have hardly needed the invitation. In the responses to the tweet, the fans found creative solutions as to what they are supposed to look for, and honestly, it quickly escalated to the point where it's hard to say who is serious and who does not, especially when All we are supposed to "look hard for" could easily be a cheeky nod, rather than something incredibly meaningful.

Marvel certainly loves doing this kind of thing, and we received something of that kind in Captain Marvel's poster yesterday. The poster has a hidden cat in the lower left corner – a cat that could be a mere wink at Captain Marvel's cat, Chewie, in comics, or could hide surprises at the same time. screen, depending on what they want to do with this comic story.

In the Russo photo, some fans have looked at the idea that the objects of the image contained something, with the scale as an A and a vaguely E-shaped glow of some equipment on the right. Someone even went as far as – jokingly, I'm pretty sure-to spell the title "Endgame", incorporating forms A, E and others, and honestly, when you start to see it, you know that you look at the picture for too long and that you should probably pause, and maybe to go for a walk.

Others have made fun of the idea of ​​removing the meaning of shapes in the image:

So what's the problem? Is there really a hidden message literal? Is it something that is a darker reference, or perhaps something less significant and more obvious? Is does it say Endgame? Even if that's the case, is it because it's the title, or just a reference to Doctor Strange's line, just as much Have we just lost everything? Why only half Russo brothers appear on the picture ?! This must surely make more sense, with the destruction plan of Thanos half everything – you know what? I saw him too long.

(star image: Marvel Entertainment)

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