Avengers 4 LEAK: Avengers Proof go back to 90s for Captain Marvel? | Films | Entertainment


Earlier today an Avengers 4 leaky toy packaging featuring Thor, Rocket and Captain America in white suits.

However Captain Marvel is also depicted, but she's not wearing one herself.

One fan tweeted: "Notice that Captain America is also a white captain Captain Marvel is not.

"[The] The theory of them going back to the 90s to get her right. Unless she does not need a special follow her powers come from the Quantum Realm? "

There's every chance that the Avengers who survived Thanos' Snap the Quantum Realm to get the Infinity Stones before the Mad Titan did in Infinity War.

Their dayneying could include a pit stop in the mid-1990s to collect Captain Marvel.

Nick Fury did contact her in the Infinity Warriors end credits scene, but what if that was.

Meanwhile, another popular theory is that Captain Marvel dies in the Snap, which would explain why the Avengers need to find her in the past.

Reddit user ChovvyChofChop writes: "So I've seen a lot of theories about Avengers 4, and I've got some theories of my own, but I can not seem to where Captain Marvel would fit."

"Iron Man and Ant-Man are going to have substantial roles in Avengers 4.

"This led me to think about where Captain Marvel fits in. I think Captain Marvel's post-credits will be in the present day with his receiving Fury's pager message.

"But it's just that she's needed, she's starting to turn up, and is confused as to what is happening."

They added: "Cut to black with a similar tagline appearing like the one we saw in Ant-Man & The Wasp ('Ant-Man & The Wasp will return …?')

"This set up for the Avengers 4 and subverts audience expectations is everyone's expecting Captain Marvel to swoop into Avengers 4 and save the day.

"This is one of the most important topics in the world.

"I believe Captain Marvel will still be in Avengers 4, possibly after the original Avengers reverse the snap, but it will not be a major player for the majority of the film."

Avengers 4 is released in UK cinemas on April 26, 2019.

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