Avengers 4 Leaked Art Promo makes me angry


Avengers 4 promotional art

The high resolution versions of the only promotional art we saw at Avengers 4 were leaked and, uh. D & # 39; agreement. Ok, I guess we have to do that.

These high-resolution images have the advantage of allowing us to see the characters in much more detail, and they also succeed in making me angry.

I do not intend to insult the artist – from a technical point of view, it's great and super dynamic. But I am very sensitive to the Avengers 4 and what he will do with his heroes. The more I look at the details here and build elaborate fantasies of the mind, the less I am happy.

Only six images have been downloaded from the eleven images above, which at least save me a little. Some. Let's break everything that's wrong here.

To start with a certain positivity:

Captain Marvel looks amazing. Perfect. She arrived. I'm looking forward to seeing these red boots kick in Thanos's ass.

Iron Man also looks awesome. We will probably see a lot of him in the costume so that Robert Downey Jr. is only present for half of his scenes. The Mark L shielding "Bleeding Edge" is just fantastic. More nanotechnology in action, please.

Rocket Raccoon is a flawless creature and I will not hear a single word against him.

D & # 39; agreement. Phew. And it's gone. Listen, Russo brothers. Listen You come home and you take Chris Hemsworth, one of the most exceptional physical specimens of Midgard, and you. You cover his arms.

Why? Why would you do that? Even Joss Whedon knew how to free Thor's arms. Taika Waititi only gave us arms. You, Joseph and Anthony Russo, filmed an entire movie, War of infinity, with Christopher Hemsworth barefoot and then cover them numerically.

You used a poor team of graphic artists to create strange metal cuffs for Chris Hemsworth's arms, which they probably did all the time. What's wrong with you? Why would you want to cause such pain?

You did it on purpose. How do you sleep at night?

I can not believe this nonsense seems to extend to Avengers 4. I hope that the rumors of time travel are true for Thor to find one of his oldest costumes in full view of his biceps as God (Odin?). I never want to have this conversation again.

I do not … I do not even know what it is. Great, so now we are aware that Bruce Banner will be able to return to the Hulk in Avengers 4, but unfortunately for Hulk it means that he will appear in a purple stretch suit. I do not like it and I do not like the implication: if Hulk has his own costume, it could mean he stays like Hulk instead of Bruce, and it's not fun. Mark Ruffalo deserves better.

The Hulk is fantastic when it comes to a limited time offer. Please, do not submit to an entire movie where he hangs out making funny faces and having mischievous misunderstandings. Taika Waititi has already given us all the Hulk we could ask for and much, much more. We saw Hulk naked. It's in our brain. We do not need it.

It's just right. It's so much too many steps. I can almost forgive you, Russos, for what you did to Thor's arms because he keeps the soft black armor and tousled hair, but then you come back home and you stab my back.

Is it fun for you? Does my suffering bring joy? Captain America's beard of Chris Evans and I are in a committed relationship, and you – you murdered him. You have slaughtered the love of my life.

You take Steve Rogers, the star used by the time spent in hiding to not have to follow the rules and give up everything because he is in relationship with Bucky Barnes. , and you do this to him?

You have shaved that sublime bearded cheek and you have brought it back to this red and white red starry monstrosity. You did that. It is an act of aggression and also deeply deeply hurtful.

Do not you have any sense of decency, gentlemen, anyway?

(via Twitter, images: Marvel Studios)

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