Avengers 4 Reshoots officially start as post photo directors


Avengers 4 Directors Joe and Anthony Russo celebrate the beginning of the revival with a brand new image. Despite the help of the Guardians of the Galaxy and other superheroes, the most powerful heroes on Earth have failed to thwart Thanos' galactic genocide plans. Avengers: Infinity War ending in people, as well as plants and animals, suddenly disintegrating in the dust. Few things are known regarding the specific parcel details of Avengers 4, apart from the fact that the remaining heroes will do everything in their power to restore order in the universe and eliminate Mad Titan once and for all. The film will complete the arc of 22 films put in place by the MCU since 2008. Iron Man.

Fans had to spend several months without any official update on upcoming Marvel Studios movies. However, things changed earlier this week, with the launch of the first-ever fans' look at Brie Larson as Captain Marvel, and a feature film featuring details about his self-contained film. And now, a brand new image of the Russo Brothers marks the official beginning of Avengers 4 redraws.

Related: All we know about Reshoots Avengers 4

It has already been thought that this goes back to Avengers 4 started several weeks ago and should last all summer. Apparently, based on a brand new Instagram post from the Russo Brothers, reworking has begun. There is not much to dissect in the picture because it is a photo of Joe Russo and a Marvel superfan popularly known as Nem: The Infinity Watcher . Look at the picture below:

Fans know Nem earlier this year, when he made the news to watch War of infinity countless times. His story finally reached the Marvel studios, and the Russos contacted him with an invitation to the premiere of the red carpet of Avengers 4 next year. But it turns out that he also had the opportunity to visit the filming of the still untitled movie in Atlanta. At first glance, it seems like all this money and time is spent re-watching War of infinity in the theater everything was worth it.

However, those who hope that Nem will be the source of information about what he saw on the film set should prepare to be disappointed. On the fan official Twitter account, he has downloaded a specialized flyer from Marvel Studios politely asking him to keep the secrets of Avengers 4 sure. Aside from updating the social media of The Russos, new images presenting several Avengers 4 Actors filming a scene give fans chew while everyone looks forward to seeing a movie trailer. Meanwhile, a separate update from Jeremy Renner also drew people 's attention to Hawkeye' s eventual return to the thick of things after missing. War of infinity fight.

More: Avengers 4 Reshoots will finish the movie says Mark Ruffalo

Source: The Russo Brothers / Instagram, Nem: The Infinity Watcher / Twitter

Key release dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: March 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: far from home (2019) release date: July 05, 2019
Give the screen a boost!

Samuel L. Jackson resumes shooting Spider-Man: far from home, share photo

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