Avengers 4 Runtime Could Come Close to 3 Hours & More New Info


Joe Russo (left, with Chris Evans and Anthony Russo) went on Instagram Live today to talk Avengers 4…and booze.
Photo: Disney

Earlier today, hundreds of Marvel fans tuned into an Instagram Live streaming from a bar in Los Angeles, hoping for information about Avengers 4. And, surprise surprise, they actually got some, just not what they wanted.

Joe Russo, one of the film’s co-directors, did the stream from the cocktail bar Duello inside his restaurant Simone in downtown LA. After much talk of alcohol and mixologists, Russo began answering fan questions about the restaurant, as well as that highly-anticipated, ultra mysterious mega sequel he’s still working on.

The number one question, of course, was in regards to the film’s title—and it was saved until the very end of the stream. Predictably, the stream “mysteriously” cut off right as he was about to answer, so we’ll have to wait on that. Before that, though, Russo confirmed what Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige previously stated, that a trailer will likely be out before the end of the year. He also said the current run time of the movie is about three hours long, but they’d see if that holds. Picture editing is still ongoing so it’s likely the film will be shorter than that.

As one would expect from a movie with a release date that’s about five months away, Russo said the team is all heavily in post-production. Avengers 4 has over 3,000 digital effects shots and those are still being completed. Russo also said work has begun with composer Alan Silvestri to record the score, and that the film has the highest stakes of any Marvel movie yet. Which, I mean, duh.

These aren’t big pieces of information, of course, but it’s enough to satisfying a craving for a little bit. The takeaway here is neither the Russos, nor Marvel or Disney, are stupid. They know what the fans want and they’ll give it to us in good time. But they are definitely going to milk it for as long as possible and certainly not reveal it on a livestream from a bar in downtown Los Angeles.

The (hilariously still-untitled) Avengers 4 is scheduled for release May 3, 2019.

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