Avengers 4 Story Gets Worse For MCU Heroes, Says Elizabeth Olsen


As if the Avengers have not been through, Elizabeth Olsen Avengers 4. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is still reeling from the snap Avengers: Infinity War. Half of the most beloved heroes in the galaxy were dusted, and that's nothing compared to the trillions of people galaxy lost. This one has the most MCU's remaining heroes.

The most popular theory right now is the use of Quantum Realm to travel through time. This article has been published recently for Avengers 4 toys that starred Thor and Rocket Raccoon in white suits that resembles those used in Ant-Man and the Wasp to travel through the mysterious realm. Whatever method they use, it is widely believed that the Avengers will be successful in bringing back those who died.

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Thanks for a quote from Elizabeth Olsen (the MCU's Scarlet Witch), it can be better. Olsen had a panel at ACE Comic Con in Chicago this past weekend and was asked for some details on Avengers 4. The star actress, whose character is currently one of those dead, could not reveal any exact details but did this terrifying tease via SlashFILM"It's only going to get worse. "

After half of the world's population disappeared, it is difficult to imagine how the circumstances Avengers 4 can fall into an even less favorable position for the heroes. Does another snap happen that wipes out more of the population? That seems unlikely, but if it's speaking directly to the heartbreak Infinity War's ending, then this could be another one that some of the longest tenured heroes may be on their way out.

Whatever it is, it should not be taken lightly – assuming the role of the Russo Brothers are cooking up. The film has just wrapped up on its reshoots after nearly a month of additional photography. Several MCU stars, Olsen according to one report. How large of a role she and the other dead Avengers 4 is currently up for debate. But, the marketing of the movie actually begins, theories can start to turn into a better understanding of what exactly Avengers 4 will be. If Olsen is being truthful, fans may be even less prepared for what comes next.

MORE: Avengers 4 Theory: Heroes Use BARF to Stop Thanos, Not Time Travel

Source: Slashfilm

Key Release Dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: Mar 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) release date: Jul 05, 2019

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