Avengers 4 Toy Descriptions Reveal Thanos Is not the Only Villain


Year Avengers 4 The most unlikely thing is to reveal the MCU heroes might be a new villain in the movie than Thanos. Directors Joe and Anthony Russo continue to work on the Avengers 4 reshoots in Atlanta that will finish the much-anticipated blockbuster. And while fans are patiently waiting for the movie, they are watching over the movie.

Marvel Studios is keeping you in touch with the film tightly under wraps, with the title still less than seven months away. Promotional efforts are still focused on Brie Larson's Captain Marvel, which will start two months before Avengers 4 hit theaters, and official marketing for the flick set is not expected to kick start the end of the year. That said, there were several merchandise leaks over the last few months giving fans an idea of ​​what to expect in the movie. The latest one revealed that Earth 's Mightiest Heroes might have been prepared to take over the Mad Titan.

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Citing the same Avengers 4 toy design revealing new suits for the heroes, CBM is reporting that another villain may be introduced into the movie – which is far more dangerous than Thanos. The description included in the tie-in merchandise reads: "The Asgardian Thor wields the mighty Stormbreaker in his battle against new foes," and "Rocket teams up with a new crew to the galaxy from an even greater threat." At this point, it's still very difficult to pinpoint who the soon-to-debut bad guy could be given that it's well known about the plot of the movie, but fans are speculating that it might be annihilus based on rumors that the project might be titled Avengers: Annihilation.

Should this be the case, what is more interesting to know? Avengers 4 will be up to one and done villain. Considering that it is more likely than not, it would not be very important that Marvel Studios built up the Mad Titan for several years. As such, it's possible this new threat might be more minor, like the Outriders in Avengers: Infinity War.

That said, given that Thanos pretty much established himself in Infinity War After all six Infinity Stones and Success, the first half of life in the universe. Introducing a brand new bad guy, on the other hand, will not only be surprising, it will also open the possibility of a team-up between the heroes and Thanos – something that has been done in the comics.

At the end of the day, Avengers 4 is expected to tackle the ramifications of Thanos' deadly snap in Infinity War. Whether or not the galactic genocide had some other consequences that have not been revealed yet remains to be seen. While Marvel Studios has always been in their future, they need to make sure that next year's movie is also a satisfying wrap up to the 22-movie narrative that they have been treading since 2008, and most importantly, that it's a proper Phase 4.

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Source: CBM

Key Release Dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: Mar 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) release date: Jul 05, 2019

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