AXA Mansard observes breast cancer awareness month


AXA Mansard Insurance Plc, a member of the AXA Group, has observed Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which has just ended.

In a cabinet announcement, Breast Cancer Awareness Week, celebrated around the world in October, is an annual international campaign organized by leading breast cancer charities to raise awareness about the disease.

The week also serves to raise funds for research on its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, healing and offers information and support to those affected by the disease.

Tope Adeniyi, general manager of AXA Mansard Health Limited, said that there was no sure way to prevent breast cancer.

He said: "That's why it's so important to conduct regular screenings. Women should talk to their doctors about the benefits of screening, self-exams and risk factors. It has become increasingly important for women to participate actively in the health of their breasts.

"There are approximately 1.38 million new cases and 458,000 breast cancer deaths each year. Breast cancer is by far the most common cancer in women worldwide, in both developed and developing countries. The majority of deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, where people are diagnosed at an advanced stage, mainly due to a lack of awareness of early detection and barriers to health services. Early detection is essential for survival. It is therefore important to educate men and women about the importance of early detection and critical conversations about proper screenings with their health care provider.

"To underscore and underscore the growing importance of early detection and screening, AXA Mansard has conducted a number of activities, including a breast cancer awareness discussion, breast self-examination training, an assessment of and a general wellness screening in October. At AXA Mansard, we remain at the forefront of maintaining health and continue to strive to improve people's lives while joining the fight against breast cancer. We remain committed to making the world a healthier place. "

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