Axios: The draft proposal of administration would allow Trump to ignore the key principles of the WTO


Trump ordered the bill and was briefed on it in May, reported Axios, citing sources familiar with the situation, and the report said that most of the officials involved in the development of the proposal believe that it is unrealistic or unachievable. White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters told Axios that the bill was not "legislation that the administration was preparing to roll out."

"The directors did not even meet each other."

The proposal would likely face significant headwinds in Congress, including Trump's party, which adopted free trade agreements and bristling Administration rates on major US trading partners arrived a few days after Axios reported that Trump had privately suggested that he wanted to pull the US out of the country.

The disclosed proposal, referred to as the "United States Loyal and Reciprocal Tariff Act", would give Trump authority, on the basis of the assessment by the administration. trade policies between nations, to renegotiate or apply tariffs on trade.

The report notes that the authority that the proposal would grant to Trump would essentially mean leaving it alone. away from collective rules that the WTO.

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