Axios: Trump says privately that he wants to withdraw from the WTO


Trump repeatedly told White House officials that he wanted to leave the world trade organization, Axios reported Friday, which said: "He has threatened to pull out 100 times source who discussed the topic with Trump told Axios.

The source also told the publication that Trump lamented: "We are still screwed by them, I do not know why we are in it." WTO is designed by the rest of the world The president's economic advisors have rebuffed when Trump raises the idea of ​​withdrawing from the organization that regulates international trade, reported Axios, citing sources with knowledge

The Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, objected to report during an interview Friday morning with Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business Network, calling "false news." [19659002] "This is an exaggeration. You have been clear with us and with others.He has concerns about the WTO.He thinks there is He thinks China and others l & # 39; have used to their advantage, "said Mnuchin.

CNN s addressed the White House for his comments.

About 160 countries belong to the WTO. , including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico and China.

The WTO serves as a bargaining ground for amending existing agreements and, when problems arise, for disputes between member countries.

The report comes after Trump 's duties on steel and aluminum partners and imposed tariffs on Chinese products worth $ 50 billion.

Trump is publicly complaining about the WTO. During a listening session with leaders of steel and aluminum at the White House in March, Trump said that "the WTO has been a disaster for this country".

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