
GUNS N 'ROSES singer Axl Rose recently gave a rare interview to Atlas By Etihad in which he talked about the group's appearance in the UAE, his favorite city to play and his love for Formula One races, among other topics.
To the question of which singer is, in his opinion, the greatest singer of all time, Pink replied: "For me, it's easy – QUEEN is the largest group and Freddie [[[[Mercury]is the greatest frontman of all time. The band is the best because they have adopted many different styles. "
As for how he and his group mates continue to play with so much energy night after night, Axl "We all want to do our best for fans, they want a great performance and that's what we want to give them, and we're pushing each other to go further in terms of performance and commitment." No matter how many performances you perform, each crowd is different and you're feeding. "
Pink also talked about his interest in music composition for film. "It is very important for me to listen to movie soundtracks. & # 39; Pirates of the Caribbean & # 39; and you get this mix of orchestra and modern instrumentation, it is very clever. I have a lot of respect for the guys who do that. This is something I would like to do at some point in the future. "
As stated previously, GUNS N 'ROSES played an abstract in the United Arab Emirates Sunday night (November 25) after Axl became "seriously ill".
Pink and his bandmates played nearly 20 songs in Abu Dhabi before cutting the show.
the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix special closed the Asian leg of GUNS N 'ROSES& # 39; "Not in this life" tour that has lasted almost three years. according to The National, the concert was the 157th night of a 31-month escapade, which has toured the world twice, has attracted five million people and is set to become the second most profitable tour of all time – surpassing even STONES THAT ROLL. Only U2 reported more than one ride that GN & # 39; RThe expected profit of $ 600 million.
Three fifths of the classic GUNS line up reunited in 2016 after playing together more than two decades earlier.
Photo credit: Katarina Benzova
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